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For starman worker -M FindBin --max-requests 50 --workers 2 --user=kohadev-koha --group kohadev-koha --pid /var/run/koha/kohadev/plack.pid --daemonize --access-log /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack.log --error-log /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack-error.log -E deployment --socket /var/run/koha/kohadev/plack.sock /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/plack.psgi
  Run on Fri Jan 8 14:31:06 2016
Reported on Fri Jan 8 14:33:27 2016

StatementsExecuted 299 statements in 2.20ms
Calls P F Exclusive
133180µs80µsC4::Auth::::CORE:matchC4::Auth::CORE:match (opcode)
41174µs74µsC4::Auth::::CORE:regcompC4::Auth::CORE:regcomp (opcode)
52136µs36µsC4::Auth::::CORE:substC4::Auth::CORE:subst (opcode)
102118µs18µsC4::Auth::::CORE:substcontC4::Auth::CORE:substcont (opcode)
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
1package C4::Auth;
3# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
5# This file is part of Koha.
7# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10# (at your option) any later version.
12# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15# GNU General Public License for more details.
17# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
# spent 52µs (37+15) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@20 which was called: # once (37µs+15µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 20
use strict;
# spent 52µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@20 # spent 15µs making 1 call to strict::import
# spent 25µs (12+12) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@21 which was called: # once (12µs+12µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 21
use warnings;
# spent 25µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@21 # spent 12µs making 1 call to warnings::import
# spent 978µs (496+482) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@22 which was called: # once (496µs+482µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 22
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
# spent 978µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@22 # spent 81µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 24.3ms (3.24+21.1) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@23 which was called: # once (3.24ms+21.1ms) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 23
use JSON qw/encode_json/;
# spent 24.3ms making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@23 # spent 167µs making 1 call to JSON::import
# spent 80µs (37+43) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@24 which was called: # once (37µs+43µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 24
use URI::Escape;
# spent 80µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@24 # spent 43µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 5.13ms (4.62+505µs) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@25 which was called: # once (4.62ms+505µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 25
use CGI::Session;
# spent 5.13ms making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@25 # spent 8µs making 1 call to CGI::Session::import
27require Exporter;
# spent 39µs (31+8) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@28 which was called: # once (31µs+8µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 28
use C4::Context;
# spent 39µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@28 # spent 8µs making 1 call to C4::Context::import
# spent 41.1ms (2.86+38.2) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@29 which was called: # once (2.86ms+38.2ms) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 29
use C4::Templates; # to get the template
# spent 41.1ms making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@29 # spent 7µs making 1 call to Class::Accessor::import
# spent 60µs (12+48) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@30 which was called: # once (12µs+48µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 30
use C4::Languages;
# spent 60µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@30 # spent 48µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 69µs (13+57) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@31 which was called: # once (13µs+57µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 31
use C4::Branch; # GetBranches
# spent 69µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@31 # spent 57µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 9.89ms (9.43+456µs) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@32 which was called: # once (9.43ms+456µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 32
use C4::Search::History;
# spent 9.89ms making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@32
# spent 24µs within C4::Auth::BEGIN@33 which was called: # once (24µs+0s) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 33
use Koha;
# spent 24µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@33
# spent 90µs (24+66) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@34 which was called: # once (24µs+66µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 34
use Koha::AuthUtils qw(hash_password);
# spent 90µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@34 # spent 66µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 18µs within C4::Auth::BEGIN@35 which was called: # once (18µs+0s) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 35
use Koha::LibraryCategories;
# spent 18µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@35
# spent 76µs (17+59) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@36 which was called: # once (17µs+59µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 36
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
# spent 76µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@36 # spent 59µs making 1 call to POSIX::import
# spent 32µs (13+19) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@37 which was called: # once (13µs+19µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 37
use List::MoreUtils qw/ any /;
# spent 32µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@37 # spent 18µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 41µs (13+27) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@38 which was called: # once (13µs+27µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 38
use Encode qw( encode is_utf8);
# spent 41µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@38 # spent 27µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
40# use utf8;
# spent 102µs (14+88) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@41 which was called: # once (14µs+88µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 41
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $debug $ldap $cas $caslogout $shib $shib_login);
# spent 102µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@41 # spent 88µs making 1 call to vars::import
# spent 1.64s (2.33ms+1.64) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@43 which was called: # once (2.33ms+1.64s) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 90
44 sub psgi_env { any { /^psgi\./ } keys %ENV }
46 sub safe_exit {
47 if (psgi_env) { die 'psgi:exit' }
48 else { exit }
49 }
50 $VERSION =; # set version for version checking
52 $debug = $ENV{DEBUG};
53 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
54 @EXPORT = qw(&checkauth &get_template_and_user &haspermission &get_user_subpermissions);
55 @EXPORT_OK = qw(&check_api_auth &get_session &check_cookie_auth &checkpw &checkpw_internal &checkpw_hash
56 &get_all_subpermissions &get_user_subpermissions
57 );
58 %EXPORT_TAGS = ( EditPermissions => [qw(get_all_subpermissions get_user_subpermissions)] );
59110µs $ldap = C4::Context->config('useldapserver') || 0;
# spent 10µs making 1 call to C4::Context::config
6011.61s $cas = C4::Context->preference('casAuthentication');
# spent 1.61s making 1 call to C4::Context::preference
6117µs $shib = C4::Context->config('useshibboleth') || 0;
# spent 7µs making 1 call to C4::Context::config
6212.49ms $caslogout = C4::Context->preference('casLogout');
# spent 2.49ms making 1 call to C4::Context::preference
63 require C4::Auth_with_cas; # no import
65 if ($ldap) {
66 require C4::Auth_with_ldap;
67 import C4::Auth_with_ldap qw(checkpw_ldap);
68 }
69 if ($shib) {
70 require C4::Auth_with_shibboleth;
71 import C4::Auth_with_shibboleth
72 qw(shib_ok checkpw_shib logout_shib login_shib_url get_login_shib);
74 # Check for good config
75 if ( shib_ok() ) {
77 # Get shibboleth login attribute
78 $shib_login = get_login_shib();
79 }
81 # Bad config, disable shibboleth
82 else {
83 $shib = 0;
84 }
85 }
86 if ($cas) {
87 import C4::Auth_with_cas qw(check_api_auth_cas checkpw_cas login_cas logout_cas login_cas_url);
88 }
# spent 1.64s making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@43
92=head1 NAME
94C4::Auth - Authenticates Koha users
96=head1 SYNOPSIS
98 use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
99 use C4::Auth;
100 use C4::Output;
102 my $query = new CGI;
104 my ($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie)
105 = get_template_and_user(
106 {
107 template_name => "opac-main.tt",
108 query => $query,
109 type => "opac",
110 authnotrequired => 0,
111 flagsrequired => { catalogue => '*', tools => 'import_patrons' },
112 }
113 );
115 output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;
119The main function of this module is to provide
120authentification. However the get_template_and_user function has
121been provided so that a users login information is passed along
122automatically. This gets loaded into the template.
124=head1 FUNCTIONS
126=head2 get_template_and_user
128 my ($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie)
129 = get_template_and_user(
130 {
131 template_name => "opac-main.tt",
132 query => $query,
133 type => "opac",
134 authnotrequired => 0,
135 flagsrequired => { catalogue => '*', tools => 'import_patrons' },
136 }
137 );
139This call passes the C<query>, C<flagsrequired> and C<authnotrequired>
140to C<&checkauth> (in this module) to perform authentification.
141See C<&checkauth> for an explanation of these parameters.
143The C<template_name> is then used to find the correct template for
144the page. The authenticated users details are loaded onto the
145template in the HTML::Template LOOP variable C<USER_INFO>. Also the
146C<sessionID> is passed to the template. This can be used in templates
147if cookies are disabled. It needs to be put as and input to every
148authenticated page.
150More information on the C<gettemplate> sub can be found in the
151Output.pm module.
# spent 1.34s (4.14ms+1.34) within C4::Auth::get_template_and_user which was called 4 times, avg 335ms/call: # 3 times (3.32ms+1.08s) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::__ANON__[/home/vagrant/kohaclone/errors/404.pl:58] at line 28 of errors/404.pl, avg 362ms/call # once (823µs+255ms) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_mainpage_2epl::__ANON__[/home/vagrant/kohaclone/mainpage.pl:107] at line 36 of mainpage.pl
sub get_template_and_user {
1571300ns my $in = shift;
15811µs my ( $user, $cookie, $sessionID, $flags );
160118µs433µs C4::Context->interface( $in->{type} );
# spent 33µs making 4 calls to C4::Context::interface, avg 8µs/call
16212µs my $safe_chars = 'a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/';
163119µs897µs die "bad template path" unless $in->{'template_name'} =~ m/^[$safe_chars]+\.tt$/ig; #sanitize input
# spent 74µs making 4 calls to C4::Auth::CORE:regcomp, avg 18µs/call # spent 23µs making 4 calls to C4::Auth::CORE:match, avg 6µs/call
16511µs $in->{'authnotrequired'} ||= 0;
166114µs4482ms my $template = C4::Templates::gettemplate(
# spent 482ms making 4 calls to C4::Templates::gettemplate, avg 120ms/call
167 $in->{'template_name'},
168 $in->{'type'},
169 $in->{'query'},
170 $in->{'is_plugin'}
171 );
173124µs8118ms if ( $in->{'template_name'} !~ m/maintenance/ ) {
# spent 118ms making 4 calls to C4::Auth::checkauth, avg 29.5ms/call # spent 18µs making 4 calls to C4::Auth::CORE:match, avg 4µs/call
174 ( $user, $cookie, $sessionID, $flags ) = checkauth(
175 $in->{'query'},
176 $in->{'authnotrequired'},
177 $in->{'flagsrequired'},
178 $in->{'type'}
179 );
180 }
183 # If the user logged in is the SCO user and he tries to go out the SCO module, log the user out removing the CGISESSID cookie
18412µs if ( $in->{type} eq 'opac' and $in->{template_name} !~ m|sco/| ) {
185 if ( C4::Context->preference('AutoSelfCheckID') && $user eq C4::Context->preference('AutoSelfCheckID') ) {
186 $template = C4::Templates::gettemplate( 'opac-auth.tt', 'opac', $in->{query} );
187 my $cookie = $in->{query}->cookie(
188 -name => 'CGISESSID',
189 -value => '',
190 -expires => '',
191 -HttpOnly => 1,
192 );
194 $template->param( loginprompt => 1 );
195 print $in->{query}->header(
196 -type => 'text/html',
197 -charset => 'utf-8',
198 -cookie => $cookie,
199 ),
200 $template->output;
201 safe_exit;
202 }
203 }
20513µs my $borrowernumber;
20611µs if ($user) {
20712µs require C4::Members;
209 # It's possible for $user to be the borrowernumber if they don't have a
210 # userid defined (and are logging in through some other method, such
211 # as SSL certs against an email address)
2121300ns my $borrower;
21315µs470µs $borrowernumber = getborrowernumber($user) if defined($user);
# spent 70µs making 4 calls to C4::Auth::getborrowernumber, avg 17µs/call
21412µs if ( !defined($borrowernumber) && defined($user) ) {
215 $borrower = C4::Members::GetMember( borrowernumber => $user );
216 if ($borrower) {
217 $borrowernumber = $user;
219 # A bit of a hack, but I don't know there's a nicer way
220 # to do it.
221 $user = $borrower->{firstname} . ' ' . $borrower->{surname};
222 }
223 } else {
224123µs169.70ms $borrower = C4::Members::GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber );
# spent 9.64ms making 4 calls to C4::Members::GetMember, avg 2.41ms/call # spent 40µs making 8 calls to DBI::common::DESTROY, avg 5µs/call # spent 17µs making 4 calls to DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY, avg 4µs/call
225 }
227 # user info
22815µs446µs $template->param( loggedinusername => $user );
# spent 46µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 12µs/call
22912µs413µs $template->param( loggedinusernumber => $borrowernumber );
# spent 13µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
23012µs421µs $template->param( sessionID => $sessionID );
# spent 21µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 5µs/call
23211µs if ( $in->{'type'} eq 'opac' ) {
233 require Koha::Virtualshelves;
234 my $some_private_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
235 {
236 borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
237 category => 1,
238 }
239 );
240 my $some_public_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
241 {
242 category => 2,
243 }
244 );
245 $template->param(
246 some_private_shelves => $some_private_shelves,
247 some_public_shelves => $some_public_shelves,
248 );
249 }
25112µs427µs $template->param( "USER_INFO" => $borrower );
# spent 27µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 7µs/call
25315µs169.60ms my $all_perms = get_all_subpermissions();
# spent 9.58ms making 4 calls to C4::Auth::get_all_subpermissions, avg 2.39ms/call # spent 17µs making 8 calls to DBI::common::DESTROY, avg 2µs/call # spent 8µs making 4 calls to DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY, avg 2µs/call
25519µs my @flagroots = qw(circulate catalogue parameters borrowers permissions reserveforothers borrow
256 editcatalogue updatecharges management tools editauthorities serials reports acquisition);
258 # We are going to use the $flags returned by checkauth
259 # to create the template's parameters that will indicate
260 # which menus the user can access.
26112µs if ( $flags && $flags->{superlibrarian} == 1 ) {
26215µs435µs $template->param( CAN_user_circulate => 1 );
# spent 35µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 9µs/call
26313µs424µs $template->param( CAN_user_catalogue => 1 );
# spent 24µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 6µs/call
26412µs412µs $template->param( CAN_user_parameters => 1 );
# spent 12µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
26511µs413µs $template->param( CAN_user_borrowers => 1 );
# spent 13µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
26611µs413µs $template->param( CAN_user_permissions => 1 );
# spent 13µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
26711µs444µs $template->param( CAN_user_reserveforothers => 1 );
# spent 44µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 11µs/call
26811µs424µs $template->param( CAN_user_editcatalogue => 1 );
# spent 24µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 6µs/call
26911µs413µs $template->param( CAN_user_updatecharges => 1 );
# spent 13µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
27011µs410µs $template->param( CAN_user_acquisition => 1 );
# spent 10µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
27111µs416µs $template->param( CAN_user_management => 1 );
# spent 16µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 4µs/call
27211µs416µs $template->param( CAN_user_tools => 1 );
# spent 16µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 4µs/call
27311µs413µs $template->param( CAN_user_editauthorities => 1 );
# spent 13µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
27411µs411µs $template->param( CAN_user_serials => 1 );
# spent 11µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
27511µs416µs $template->param( CAN_user_reports => 1 );
# spent 16µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 4µs/call
2761900ns414µs $template->param( CAN_user_staffaccess => 1 );
# spent 14µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 4µs/call
2771900ns413µs $template->param( CAN_user_plugins => 1 );
# spent 13µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
27811µs410µs $template->param( CAN_user_coursereserves => 1 );
# spent 10µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
27917µs foreach my $module ( keys %$all_perms ) {
2811230µs foreach my $subperm ( keys %{ $all_perms->{$module} } ) {
28276102µs304903µs $template->param( "CAN_user_${module}_${subperm}" => 1 );
# spent 903µs making 304 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
283 }
284 }
285 }
28711µs if ($flags) {
28812µs foreach my $module ( keys %$all_perms ) {
289127µs if ( defined($flags->{$module}) && $flags->{$module} == 1 ) {
290 foreach my $subperm ( keys %{ $all_perms->{$module} } ) {
291 $template->param( "CAN_user_${module}_${subperm}" => 1 );
292 }
293 } elsif ( ref( $flags->{$module} ) ) {
294 foreach my $subperm ( keys %{ $flags->{$module} } ) {
295 $template->param( "CAN_user_${module}_${subperm}" => 1 );
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 }
30111µs if ($flags) {
30214µs foreach my $module ( keys %$flags ) {
303197µs if ( $flags->{$module} == 1 or ref( $flags->{$module} ) ) {
30412µs414µs $template->param( "CAN_user_$module" => 1 );
# spent 14µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 3µs/call
3051500ns if ( $module eq "parameters" ) {
306 $template->param( CAN_user_management => 1 );
307 }
308 }
309 }
310 }
312 # Logged-in opac search history
313 # If the requested template is an opac one and opac search history is enabled
314121µs421.4ms if ( $in->{type} eq 'opac' && C4::Context->preference('EnableOpacSearchHistory') ) {
# spent 21.4ms making 4 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 5.36ms/call
315 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
316 my $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM search_history WHERE userid=?";
317 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
318 $sth->execute($borrowernumber);
320 # If at least one search has already been performed
321 if ( $sth->fetchrow_array > 0 ) {
323 # We show the link in opac
324 $template->param( EnableOpacSearchHistory => 1 );
325 }
327 # And if there are searches performed when the user was not logged in,
328 # we add them to the logged-in search history
329 my @recentSearches = C4::Search::History::get_from_session( { cgi => $in->{'query'} } );
330 if (@recentSearches) {
331 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
332 my $query = q{
333 INSERT INTO search_history(userid, sessionid, query_desc, query_cgi, type, total, time )
334 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
335 };
337 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
338 $sth->execute( $borrowernumber,
339 $in->{query}->cookie("CGISESSID"),
340 $_->{query_desc},
341 $_->{query_cgi},
342 $_->{type} || 'biblio',
343 $_->{total},
344 $_->{time},
345 ) foreach @recentSearches;
347 # clear out the search history from the session now that
348 # we've saved it to the database
349 C4::Search::History::set_to_session( { cgi => $in->{'query'}, search_history => [] } );
350 }
351 } elsif ( $in->{type} eq 'intranet' and C4::Context->preference('EnableSearchHistory') ) {
352 $template->param( EnableSearchHistory => 1 );
353 }
354 }
355 else { # if this is an anonymous session, setup to display public lists...
357 # If shibboleth is enabled, and we're in an anonymous session, we should allow
358 # the user to attempt login via shibboleth.
359 if ($shib) {
360 $template->param( shibbolethAuthentication => $shib,
361 shibbolethLoginUrl => login_shib_url( $in->{'query'} ),
362 );
364 # If shibboleth is enabled and we have a shibboleth login attribute,
365 # but we are in an anonymous session, then we clearly have an invalid
366 # shibboleth koha account.
367 if ($shib_login) {
368 $template->param( invalidShibLogin => '1' );
369 }
370 }
372 $template->param( sessionID => $sessionID );
374 if ( $in->{'type'} eq 'opac' ){
375 require Koha::Virtualshelves;
376 my $some_public_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
377 {
378 category => 2,
379 }
380 );
381 $template->param(
382 some_public_shelves => $some_public_shelves,
383 );
384 }
385 }
387 # Anonymous opac search history
388 # If opac search history is enabled and at least one search has already been performed
389115µs421.9ms if ( C4::Context->preference('EnableOpacSearchHistory') ) {
# spent 21.9ms making 4 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 5.47ms/call
390132µs1229.5ms my @recentSearches = C4::Search::History::get_from_session( { cgi => $in->{'query'} } );
# spent 28.1ms making 4 calls to C4::Search::History::get_from_session, avg 7.02ms/call # spent 1.24ms making 4 calls to CGI::Session::DESTROY, avg 309µs/call # spent 176µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::DESTROY, avg 44µs/call
3911700ns if (@recentSearches) {
392 $template->param( EnableOpacSearchHistory => 1 );
393 }
394 }
396112µs1230.3ms if ( C4::Context->preference('dateformat') ) {
# spent 30.2ms making 8 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 3.78ms/call # spent 69µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 17µs/call
397 $template->param( dateformat => C4::Context->preference('dateformat') );
398 }
4001240µs89.21ms $template->param(auth_forwarded_hash => $in->{'query'}->param('auth_forwarded_hash'));
# spent 9.11ms making 4 calls to CGI::param, avg 2.28ms/call # spent 104µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 26µs/call
402 # these template parameters are set the same regardless of $in->{'type'}
404 # Set the using_https variable for templates
405 # FIXME Under Plack the CGI->https method always returns 'OFF'
40616µs4349µs my $https = $in->{query}->https();
# spent 257µs making 1 call to CGI::AUTOLOAD # spent 92µs making 3 calls to CGI::https, avg 31µs/call
40711µs my $using_https = ( defined $https and $https ne 'OFF' ) ? 1 : 0;
409116µs108261ms $template->param(
# spent 261ms making 64 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 4.07ms/call # spent 214µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 54µs/call # spent 86µs making 40 calls to C4::Context::userenv, avg 2µs/call
410 "BiblioDefaultView" . C4::Context->preference("BiblioDefaultView") => 1,
411 EnhancedMessagingPreferences => C4::Context->preference('EnhancedMessagingPreferences'),
412 GoogleJackets => C4::Context->preference("GoogleJackets"),
413 OpenLibraryCovers => C4::Context->preference("OpenLibraryCovers"),
414 KohaAdminEmailAddress => "" . C4::Context->preference("KohaAdminEmailAddress"),
415 LoginBranchcode => ( C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{"branch"} : undef ),
416 LoginFirstname => ( C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{"firstname"} : "Bel" ),
417 LoginSurname => C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{"surname"} : "Inconnu",
418 emailaddress => C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{"emailaddress"} : undef,
419 loggedinpersona => C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{"persona"} : undef,
420 TagsEnabled => C4::Context->preference("TagsEnabled"),
421 hide_marc => C4::Context->preference("hide_marc"),
422 item_level_itypes => C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes'),
423 patronimages => C4::Context->preference("patronimages"),
424 singleBranchMode => C4::Context->preference("singleBranchMode"),
425 XSLTDetailsDisplay => C4::Context->preference("XSLTDetailsDisplay"),
426 XSLTResultsDisplay => C4::Context->preference("XSLTResultsDisplay"),
427 using_https => $using_https,
428 noItemTypeImages => C4::Context->preference("noItemTypeImages"),
429 marcflavour => C4::Context->preference("marcflavour"),
430 persona => C4::Context->preference("persona"),
431 OPACBaseURL => C4::Context->preference('OPACBaseURL'),
432 );
433117µs128344ms if ( $in->{'type'} eq "intranet" ) {
# spent 344ms making 116 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 2.96ms/call # spent 317µs making 4 calls to C4::Templates::param, avg 79µs/call # spent 31µs making 8 calls to C4::Context::userenv, avg 4µs/call
434 $template->param(
435 AmazonCoverImages => C4::Context->preference("AmazonCoverImages"),
436 AutoLocation => C4::Context->preference("AutoLocation"),
437 "BiblioDefaultView" . C4::Context->preference("IntranetBiblioDefaultView") => 1,
438 CircAutocompl => C4::Context->preference("CircAutocompl"),
439 FRBRizeEditions => C4::Context->preference("FRBRizeEditions"),
440 IndependentBranches => C4::Context->preference("IndependentBranches"),
441 IntranetNav => C4::Context->preference("IntranetNav"),
442 IntranetmainUserblock => C4::Context->preference("IntranetmainUserblock"),
443 LibraryName => C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"),
444 LoginBranchname => ( C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{"branchname"} : undef ),
445 advancedMARCEditor => C4::Context->preference("advancedMARCEditor"),
446 canreservefromotherbranches => C4::Context->preference('canreservefromotherbranches'),
447 intranetcolorstylesheet => C4::Context->preference("intranetcolorstylesheet"),
448 IntranetFavicon => C4::Context->preference("IntranetFavicon"),
449 intranetreadinghistory => C4::Context->preference("intranetreadinghistory"),
450 intranetstylesheet => C4::Context->preference("intranetstylesheet"),
451 IntranetUserCSS => C4::Context->preference("IntranetUserCSS"),
452 IntranetUserJS => C4::Context->preference("IntranetUserJS"),
453 intranetbookbag => C4::Context->preference("intranetbookbag"),
454 suggestion => C4::Context->preference("suggestion"),
455 virtualshelves => C4::Context->preference("virtualshelves"),
456 StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount => C4::Context->preference("StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount"),
457 EasyAnalyticalRecords => C4::Context->preference('EasyAnalyticalRecords'),
458 LocalCoverImages => C4::Context->preference('LocalCoverImages'),
459 OPACLocalCoverImages => C4::Context->preference('OPACLocalCoverImages'),
460 AllowMultipleCovers => C4::Context->preference('AllowMultipleCovers'),
461 EnableBorrowerFiles => C4::Context->preference('EnableBorrowerFiles'),
462 UseKohaPlugins => C4::Context->preference('UseKohaPlugins'),
463 UseCourseReserves => C4::Context->preference("UseCourseReserves"),
464 useDischarge => C4::Context->preference('useDischarge'),
465 );
466 }
467 else {
468 warn "template type should be OPAC, here it is=[" . $in->{'type'} . "]" unless ( $in->{'type'} eq 'opac' );
470 #TODO : replace LibraryName syspref with 'system name', and remove this html processing
471 my $LibraryNameTitle = C4::Context->preference("LibraryName");
472 $LibraryNameTitle =~ s/<(?:\/?)(?:br|p)\s*(?:\/?)>/ /sgi;
473 $LibraryNameTitle =~ s/<(?:[^<>'"]|'(?:[^']*)'|"(?:[^"]*)")*>//sg;
475 # clean up the busc param in the session
476 # if the page is not opac-detail and not the "add to list" page
477 # and not the "edit comments" page
478 if ( C4::Context->preference("OpacBrowseResults")
479 && $in->{'template_name'} =~ /opac-(.+)\.(?:tt|tmpl)$/ ) {
480 my $pagename = $1;
481 unless ( $pagename =~ /^(?:MARC|ISBD)?detail$/
482 or $pagename =~ /^addbybiblionumber$/
483 or $pagename =~ /^review$/ ) {
484 my $sessionSearch = get_session( $sessionID || $in->{'query'}->cookie("CGISESSID") );
485 $sessionSearch->clear( ["busc"] ) if ( $sessionSearch->param("busc") );
486 }
487 }
489 # variables passed from CGI: opac_css_override and opac_search_limits.
490 my $opac_search_limit = $ENV{'OPAC_SEARCH_LIMIT'};
491 my $opac_limit_override = $ENV{'OPAC_LIMIT_OVERRIDE'};
492 my $opac_name = '';
493 if (
494 ( $opac_limit_override && $opac_search_limit && $opac_search_limit =~ /branch:(\w+)/ ) ||
495 ( $in->{'query'}->param('limit') && $in->{'query'}->param('limit') =~ /branch:(\w+)/ ) ||
496 ( $in->{'query'}->param('multibranchlimit') && $in->{'query'}->param('multibranchlimit') =~ /multibranchlimit-(\w+)/ )
497 ) {
498 $opac_name = $1; # opac_search_limit is a branch, so we use it.
499 } elsif ( $in->{'query'}->param('multibranchlimit') ) {
500 $opac_name = $in->{'query'}->param('multibranchlimit');
501 } elsif ( C4::Context->preference("SearchMyLibraryFirst") && C4::Context->userenv && C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} ) {
502 $opac_name = C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'};
503 }
505 my $library_categories = Koha::LibraryCategories->search({categorytype => 'searchdomain', show_in_pulldown => 1}, { order_by => ['categorytype', 'categorycode']});
506 $template->param(
507 OpacAdditionalStylesheet => C4::Context->preference("OpacAdditionalStylesheet"),
508 AnonSuggestions => "" . C4::Context->preference("AnonSuggestions"),
509 AuthorisedValueImages => C4::Context->preference("AuthorisedValueImages"),
510 BranchesLoop => GetBranchesLoop($opac_name),
511 BranchCategoriesLoop => $library_categories,
512 opac_name => $opac_name,
513 LibraryName => "" . C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"),
514 LibraryNameTitle => "" . $LibraryNameTitle,
515 LoginBranchname => C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{"branchname"} : "",
516 OPACAmazonCoverImages => C4::Context->preference("OPACAmazonCoverImages"),
517 OPACFRBRizeEditions => C4::Context->preference("OPACFRBRizeEditions"),
518 OpacHighlightedWords => C4::Context->preference("OpacHighlightedWords"),
519 OPACShelfBrowser => "" . C4::Context->preference("OPACShelfBrowser"),
520 OPACURLOpenInNewWindow => "" . C4::Context->preference("OPACURLOpenInNewWindow"),
521 OPACUserCSS => "" . C4::Context->preference("OPACUserCSS"),
522 OpacAuthorities => C4::Context->preference("OpacAuthorities"),
523 opac_css_override => $ENV{'OPAC_CSS_OVERRIDE'},
524 opac_search_limit => $opac_search_limit,
525 opac_limit_override => $opac_limit_override,
526 OpacBrowser => C4::Context->preference("OpacBrowser"),
527 OpacCloud => C4::Context->preference("OpacCloud"),
528 OpacKohaUrl => C4::Context->preference("OpacKohaUrl"),
529 OpacMainUserBlock => "" . C4::Context->preference("OpacMainUserBlock"),
530 OpacNav => "" . C4::Context->preference("OpacNav"),
531 OpacNavRight => "" . C4::Context->preference("OpacNavRight"),
532 OpacNavBottom => "" . C4::Context->preference("OpacNavBottom"),
533 OpacPasswordChange => C4::Context->preference("OpacPasswordChange"),
534 OPACPatronDetails => C4::Context->preference("OPACPatronDetails"),
535 OPACPrivacy => C4::Context->preference("OPACPrivacy"),
536 OPACFinesTab => C4::Context->preference("OPACFinesTab"),
537 OpacTopissue => C4::Context->preference("OpacTopissue"),
538 RequestOnOpac => C4::Context->preference("RequestOnOpac"),
539 'Version' => C4::Context->preference('Version'),
540 hidelostitems => C4::Context->preference("hidelostitems"),
541 mylibraryfirst => ( C4::Context->preference("SearchMyLibraryFirst") && C4::Context->userenv ) ? C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} : '',
542 opaclayoutstylesheet => "" . C4::Context->preference("opaclayoutstylesheet"),
543 opacbookbag => "" . C4::Context->preference("opacbookbag"),
544 opaccredits => "" . C4::Context->preference("opaccredits"),
545 OpacFavicon => C4::Context->preference("OpacFavicon"),
546 opacheader => "" . C4::Context->preference("opacheader"),
547 opaclanguagesdisplay => "" . C4::Context->preference("opaclanguagesdisplay"),
548 opacreadinghistory => C4::Context->preference("opacreadinghistory"),
549 OPACUserJS => C4::Context->preference("OPACUserJS"),
550 opacuserlogin => "" . C4::Context->preference("opacuserlogin"),
551 ShowReviewer => C4::Context->preference("ShowReviewer"),
552 ShowReviewerPhoto => C4::Context->preference("ShowReviewerPhoto"),
553 suggestion => "" . C4::Context->preference("suggestion"),
554 virtualshelves => "" . C4::Context->preference("virtualshelves"),
555 OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount => C4::Context->preference("OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount"),
556 OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay => C4::Context->preference("OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay"),
557 OPACXSLTResultsDisplay => C4::Context->preference("OPACXSLTResultsDisplay"),
558 SyndeticsClientCode => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsClientCode"),
559 SyndeticsEnabled => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsEnabled"),
560 SyndeticsCoverImages => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsCoverImages"),
561 SyndeticsTOC => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsTOC"),
562 SyndeticsSummary => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsSummary"),
563 SyndeticsEditions => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsEditions"),
564 SyndeticsExcerpt => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsExcerpt"),
565 SyndeticsReviews => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsReviews"),
566 SyndeticsAuthorNotes => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsAuthorNotes"),
567 SyndeticsAwards => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsAwards"),
568 SyndeticsSeries => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsSeries"),
569 SyndeticsCoverImageSize => C4::Context->preference("SyndeticsCoverImageSize"),
570 OPACLocalCoverImages => C4::Context->preference("OPACLocalCoverImages"),
571 PatronSelfRegistration => C4::Context->preference("PatronSelfRegistration"),
572 PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory => C4::Context->preference("PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory"),
573 useDischarge => C4::Context->preference('useDischarge'),
574 );
576 $template->param( OpacPublic => '1' ) if ( $user || C4::Context->preference("OpacPublic") );
577 }
579 # Check if we were asked using parameters to force a specific language
580121µs459µs if ( defined $in->{'query'}->param('language') ) {
# spent 59µs making 4 calls to CGI::param, avg 15µs/call
582 # Extract the language, let C4::Languages::getlanguage choose
583 # what to do
584 my $language = C4::Languages::getlanguage( $in->{'query'} );
585 my $languagecookie = C4::Templates::getlanguagecookie( $in->{'query'}, $language );
586 if ( ref $cookie eq 'ARRAY' ) {
587 push @{$cookie}, $languagecookie;
588 } else {
589 $cookie = [ $cookie, $languagecookie ];
590 }
591 }
593111µs return ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie, $flags );
596=head2 checkauth
598 ($userid, $cookie, $sessionID) = &checkauth($query, $noauth, $flagsrequired, $type);
600Verifies that the user is authorized to run this script. If
601the user is authorized, a (userid, cookie, session-id, flags)
602quadruple is returned. If the user is not authorized but does
603not have the required privilege (see $flagsrequired below), it
604displays an error page and exits. Otherwise, it displays the
605login page and exits.
607Note that C<&checkauth> will return if and only if the user
608is authorized, so it should be called early on, before any
609unfinished operations (e.g., if you've opened a file, then
610C<&checkauth> won't close it for you).
612C<$query> is the CGI object for the script calling C<&checkauth>.
614The C<$noauth> argument is optional. If it is set, then no
615authorization is required for the script.
617C<&checkauth> fetches user and session information from C<$query> and
618ensures that the user is authorized to run scripts that require
621The C<$flagsrequired> argument specifies the required privileges
622the user must have if the username and password are correct.
623It should be specified as a reference-to-hash; keys in the hash
624should be the "flags" for the user, as specified in the Members
625intranet module. Any key specified must correspond to a "flag"
626in the userflags table. E.g., { circulate => 1 } would specify
627that the user must have the "circulate" privilege in order to
628proceed. To make sure that access control is correct, the
629C<$flagsrequired> parameter must be specified correctly.
631Koha also has a concept of sub-permissions, also known as
632granular permissions. This makes the value of each key
633in the C<flagsrequired> hash take on an additional
634meaning, i.e.,
636 1
638The user must have access to all subfunctions of the module
639specified by the hash key.
641 *
643The user must have access to at least one subfunction of the module
644specified by the hash key.
646 specific permission, e.g., 'export_catalog'
648The user must have access to the specific subfunction list, which
649must correspond to a row in the permissions table.
651The C<$type> argument specifies whether the template should be
652retrieved from the opac or intranet directory tree. "opac" is
653assumed if it is not specified; however, if C<$type> is specified,
654"intranet" is assumed if it is not "opac".
656If C<$query> does not have a valid session ID associated with it
657(i.e., the user has not logged in) or if the session has expired,
658C<&checkauth> presents the user with a login page (from the point of
659view of the original script, C<&checkauth> does not return). Once the
660user has authenticated, C<&checkauth> restarts the original script
661(this time, C<&checkauth> returns).
663The login page is provided using a HTML::Template, which is set in the
664systempreferences table or at the top of this file. The variable C<$type>
665selects which template to use, either the opac or the intranet
666authentification template.
668C<&checkauth> returns a user ID, a cookie, and a session ID. The
669cookie should be sent back to the browser; it verifies that the user
670has authenticated.
# spent 29.4ms (198µs+29.2) within C4::Auth::_version_check which was called 4 times, avg 7.36ms/call: # 4 times (198µs+29.2ms) by C4::Auth::checkauth at line 751, avg 7.36ms/call
sub _version_check {
6751500ns my $type = shift;
6761400ns my $query = shift;
6771100ns my $version;
679 # If version syspref is unavailable, it means Koha is being installed,
680 # and so we must redirect to OPAC maintenance page or to the WebInstaller
681 # also, if OpacMaintenance is ON, OPAC should redirect to maintenance
682114µs416.5ms if ( C4::Context->preference('OpacMaintenance') && $type eq 'opac' ) {
# spent 16.5ms making 4 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 4.13ms/call
683 warn "OPAC Install required, redirecting to maintenance";
684 print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/maintenance.pl");
685 safe_exit;
686 }
687120µs412.6ms unless ( $version = C4::Context->preference('Version') ) { # assignment, not comparison
# spent 12.6ms making 4 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 3.16ms/call
688 if ( $type ne 'opac' ) {
689 warn "Install required, redirecting to Installer";
690 print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/installer/install.pl");
691 } else {
692 warn "OPAC Install required, redirecting to maintenance";
693 print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/maintenance.pl");
694 }
695 safe_exit;
696 }
698 # check that database and koha version are the same
699 # there is no DB version, it's a fresh install,
700 # go to web installer
701 # there is a DB version, compare it to the code version
70219µs417µs my $kohaversion = Koha::version();
# spent 17µs making 4 calls to Koha::version, avg 4µs/call
704 # remove the 3 last . to have a Perl number
705120µs1245µs $kohaversion =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/;
# spent 30µs making 4 calls to C4::Auth::CORE:subst, avg 8µs/call # spent 15µs making 8 calls to C4::Auth::CORE:substcont, avg 2µs/call
7061700ns $debug and print STDERR "kohaversion : $kohaversion\n";
70717µs if ( $version < $kohaversion ) {
708 my $warning = "Database update needed, redirecting to %s. Database is $version and Koha is $kohaversion";
709 if ( $type ne 'opac' ) {
710 warn sprintf( $warning, 'Installer' );
711 print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/installer/install.pl?step=1&op=updatestructure");
712 } else {
713 warn sprintf( "OPAC: " . $warning, 'maintenance' );
714 print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/maintenance.pl");
715 }
716 safe_exit;
717 }
720sub _session_log {
721 (@_) or return 0;
722 open my $fh, '>>', "/tmp/sessionlog" or warn "ERROR: Cannot append to /tmp/sessionlog";
723 printf $fh join( "\n", @_ );
724 close $fh;
# spent 16.0ms (77µs+16.0) within C4::Auth::_timeout_syspref which was called 5 times, avg 3.21ms/call: # 4 times (57µs+12.7ms) by C4::Auth::checkauth at line 749, avg 3.20ms/call # once (20µs+3.24ms) by C4::Auth::check_cookie_auth at line 1602
sub _timeout_syspref {
728112µs515.9ms my $timeout = C4::Context->preference('timeout') || 600;
# spent 15.9ms making 5 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 3.19ms/call
730 # value in days, convert in seconds
731114µs540µs if ( $timeout =~ /(\d+)[dD]/ ) {
# spent 40µs making 5 calls to C4::Auth::CORE:match, avg 8µs/call
732 $timeout = $1 * 86400;
733 }
73413µs return $timeout;
# spent 118ms (737µs+117) within C4::Auth::checkauth which was called 4 times, avg 29.5ms/call: # 4 times (737µs+117ms) by C4::Auth::get_template_and_user at line 173, avg 29.5ms/call
sub checkauth {
7381600ns my $query = shift;
7391600ns $debug and warn "Checking Auth";
741 # $authnotrequired will be set for scripts which will run without authentication
7421400ns my $authnotrequired = shift;
7431600ns my $flagsrequired = shift;
7441500ns my $type = shift;
7451300ns my $persona = shift;
7461100ns $type = 'opac' unless $type;
748113µs45.42ms my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# spent 5.42ms making 4 calls to C4::Context::dbh, avg 1.36ms/call
74914µs412.8ms my $timeout = _timeout_syspref();
# spent 12.8ms making 4 calls to C4::Auth::_timeout_syspref, avg 3.20ms/call
75114µs429.4ms _version_check( $type, $query );
# spent 29.4ms making 4 calls to C4::Auth::_version_check, avg 7.36ms/call
753 # state variables
7541600ns my $loggedin = 0;
7551200ns my %info;
7561200ns my ( $userid, $cookie, $sessionID, $flags );
757122µs462µs my $logout = $query->param('logout.x');
# spent 62µs making 4 calls to CGI::param, avg 16µs/call
7591100ns my $anon_search_history;
761 # This parameter is the name of the CAS server we want to authenticate against,
762 # when using authentication against multiple CAS servers, as configured in Auth_cas_servers.yaml
76315µs412µs my $casparam = $query->param('cas');
# spent 12µs making 4 calls to CGI::param, avg 3µs/call
76417µs414µs my $q_userid = $query->param('userid') // '';
# spent 14µs making 4 calls to CGI::param, avg 3µs/call
766 # Basic authentication is incompatible with the use of Shibboleth,
767 # as Shibboleth may return REMOTE_USER as a Shibboleth attribute,
768 # and it may not be the attribute we want to use to match the koha login.
769 #
770 # Also, do not consider an empty REMOTE_USER.
771 #
772 # Finally, after those tests, we can assume (although if it would be better with
773 # a syspref) that if we get a REMOTE_USER, that's from basic authentication,
774 # and we can affect it to $userid.
775141µs128.92ms if ( !$shib and defined( $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ) and $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ne '' and $userid = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ) {
# spent 6.46ms making 4 calls to CGI::Session::DESTROY, avg 1.62ms/call # spent 2.20ms making 4 calls to CGI::cookie, avg 550µs/call # spent 255µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::DESTROY, avg 64µs/call
777 # Using Basic Authentication, no cookies required
778 $cookie = $query->cookie(
779 -name => 'CGISESSID',
780 -value => '',
781 -expires => '',
782 -HttpOnly => 1,
783 );
784 $loggedin = 1;
785 }
786 elsif ($persona) {
788 # we don't want to set a session because we are being called by a persona callback
789 }
790 elsif ( $sessionID = $query->cookie("CGISESSID") )
791 { # assignment, not comparison
79217µs439.5ms my $session = get_session($sessionID);
# spent 39.5ms making 4 calls to C4::Auth::get_session, avg 9.88ms/call
793110µs422µs C4::Context->_new_userenv($sessionID);
# spent 22µs making 4 calls to C4::Context::_new_userenv, avg 6µs/call
7941200ns my ( $ip, $lasttime, $sessiontype );
7951700ns my $s_userid = '';
79611µs if ($session) {
79714µs459µs $s_userid = $session->param('id') // '';
# spent 59µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 15µs/call
7981160µs48861µs C4::Context->set_userenv(
# spent 686µs making 4 calls to C4::Context::set_userenv, avg 171µs/call # spent 176µs making 44 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 4µs/call
799 $session->param('number'), $s_userid,
800 $session->param('cardnumber'), $session->param('firstname'),
801 $session->param('surname'), $session->param('branch'),
802 $session->param('branchname'), $session->param('flags'),
803 $session->param('emailaddress'), $session->param('branchprinter'),
804 $session->param('persona'), $session->param('shibboleth')
805 );
80619µs840µs C4::Context::set_shelves_userenv( 'bar', $session->param('barshelves') );
# spent 20µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 5µs/call # spent 19µs making 4 calls to C4::Context::set_shelves_userenv, avg 5µs/call
80715µs826µs C4::Context::set_shelves_userenv( 'pub', $session->param('pubshelves') );
# spent 16µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 4µs/call # spent 11µs making 4 calls to C4::Context::set_shelves_userenv, avg 3µs/call
80815µs824µs C4::Context::set_shelves_userenv( 'tot', $session->param('totshelves') );
# spent 15µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 4µs/call # spent 9µs making 4 calls to C4::Context::set_shelves_userenv, avg 2µs/call
8091700ns $debug and printf STDERR "AUTH_SESSION: (%s)\t%s %s - %s\n", map { $session->param($_) } qw(cardnumber firstname surname branch);
81011µs416µs $ip = $session->param('ip');
# spent 16µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 4µs/call
81111µs415µs $lasttime = $session->param('lasttime');
# spent 15µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 4µs/call
8121400ns $userid = $s_userid;
81313µs419µs $sessiontype = $session->param('sessiontype') || '';
# spent 19µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 5µs/call
814 }
815131µs813.7ms if ( ( $query->param('koha_login_context') && ( $q_userid ne $s_userid ) )
# spent 13.7ms making 4 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 3.42ms/call # spent 44µs making 4 calls to CGI::param, avg 11µs/call
816 || ( $cas && $query->param('ticket') && !C4::Context->userenv->{'id'} )
817 || ( $shib && $shib_login && !$logout && !C4::Context->userenv->{'id'} )
818 ) {
820 #if a user enters an id ne to the id in the current session, we need to log them in...
821 #first we need to clear the anonymous session...
822 $debug and warn "query id = $q_userid but session id = $s_userid";
823 $anon_search_history = $session->param('search_history');
824 $session->delete();
825 $session->flush;
826 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
827 $sessionID = undef;
828 $userid = undef;
829 }
830 elsif ($logout) {
832 # voluntary logout the user
833 # check wether the user was using their shibboleth session or a local one
834 my $shibSuccess = C4::Context->userenv->{'shibboleth'};
835 $session->delete();
836 $session->flush;
837 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
839 #_session_log(sprintf "%20s from %16s logged out at %30s (manually).\n", $userid,$ip,(strftime "%c",localtime));
840 $sessionID = undef;
841 $userid = undef;
843 if ($cas and $caslogout) {
844 logout_cas($query, $type);
845 }
847 # If we are in a shibboleth session (shibboleth is enabled, a shibboleth match attribute is set and matches koha matchpoint)
848 if ( $shib and $shib_login and $shibSuccess and $type eq 'opac' ) {
850 # (Note: $type eq 'opac' condition should be removed when shibboleth authentication for intranet will be implemented)
851 logout_shib($query);
852 }
853 }
854 elsif ( !$lasttime || ( $lasttime < time() - $timeout ) ) {
856 # timed logout
857 $info{'timed_out'} = 1;
858 if ($session) {
859 $session->delete();
860 $session->flush;
861 }
862 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
864 #_session_log(sprintf "%20s from %16s logged out at %30s (inactivity).\n", $userid,$ip,(strftime "%c",localtime));
865 $userid = undef;
866 $sessionID = undef;
867 }
868 elsif ( C4::Context->preference('SessionRestrictionByIP') && $ip ne $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} ) {
870 # Different ip than originally logged in from
871 $info{'oldip'} = $ip;
872 $info{'newip'} = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
873 $info{'different_ip'} = 1;
874 $session->delete();
875 $session->flush;
876 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
878 #_session_log(sprintf "%20s from %16s logged out at %30s (ip changed to %16s).\n", $userid,$ip,(strftime "%c",localtime), $info{'newip'});
879 $sessionID = undef;
880 $userid = undef;
881 }
882 else {
883126µs8853µs $cookie = $query->cookie(
# spent 806µs making 4 calls to CGI::cookie, avg 202µs/call # spent 47µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::id, avg 12µs/call
884 -name => 'CGISESSID',
885 -value => $session->id,
886 -HttpOnly => 1
887 );
88814µs4115µs $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
# spent 115µs making 4 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 29µs/call
8891600ns unless ( $sessiontype && $sessiontype eq 'anon' ) { #if this is an anonymous session, we want to update the session, but not behave as if they are logged in...
89016µs165.11ms $flags = haspermission( $userid, $flagsrequired );
# spent 5.09ms making 4 calls to C4::Auth::haspermission, avg 1.27ms/call # spent 14µs making 8 calls to DBI::common::DESTROY, avg 2µs/call # spent 3µs making 4 calls to DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY, avg 750ns/call
8911800ns if ($flags) {
892 $loggedin = 1;
893 } else {
894 $info{'nopermission'} = 1;
895 }
896 }
897 }
898 }
8991600ns unless ( $userid || $sessionID ) {
901 #we initiate a session prior to checking for a username to allow for anonymous sessions...
902 my $session = get_session("") or die "Auth ERROR: Cannot get_session()";
904 # Save anonymous search history in new session so it can be retrieved
905 # by get_template_and_user to store it in user's search history after
906 # a successful login.
907 if ($anon_search_history) {
908 $session->param( 'search_history', $anon_search_history );
909 }
911 my $sessionID = $session->id;
912 C4::Context->_new_userenv($sessionID);
913 $cookie = $query->cookie(
914 -name => 'CGISESSID',
915 -value => $session->id,
916 -HttpOnly => 1
917 );
918 $userid = $q_userid;
919 my $pki_field = C4::Context->preference('AllowPKIAuth');
920 if ( !defined($pki_field) ) {
921 print STDERR "ERROR: Missing system preference AllowPKIAuth.\n";
922 $pki_field = 'None';
923 }
924 if ( ( $cas && $query->param('ticket') )
925 || $userid
926 || ( $shib && $shib_login )
927 || $pki_field ne 'None'
928 || $persona )
929 {
930 my $password = $query->param('password');
931 my $shibSuccess = 0;
933 my ( $return, $cardnumber );
935 # If shib is enabled and we have a shib login, does the login match a valid koha user
936 if ( $shib && $shib_login && $type eq 'opac' ) {
937 my $retuserid;
939 # Do not pass password here, else shib will not be checked in checkpw.
940 ( $return, $cardnumber, $retuserid ) = checkpw( $dbh, $userid, undef, $query );
941 $userid = $retuserid;
942 $shibSuccess = $return;
943 $info{'invalidShibLogin'} = 1 unless ($return);
944 }
946 # If shib login and match were successful, skip further login methods
947 unless ($shibSuccess) {
948 if ( $cas && $query->param('ticket') ) {
949 my $retuserid;
950 ( $return, $cardnumber, $retuserid ) =
951 checkpw( $dbh, $userid, $password, $query, $type );
952 $userid = $retuserid;
953 $info{'invalidCasLogin'} = 1 unless ($return);
954 }
956 elsif ($persona) {
957 my $value = $persona;
959 # If we're looking up the email, there's a chance that the person
960 # doesn't have a userid. So if there is none, we pass along the
961 # borrower number, and the bits of code that need to know the user
962 # ID will have to be smart enough to handle that.
963 require C4::Members;
964 my @users_info = C4::Members::GetBorrowersWithEmail($value);
965 if (@users_info) {
967 # First the userid, then the borrowernum
968 $value = $users_info[0][1] || $users_info[0][0];
969 }
970 else {
971 undef $value;
972 }
973 $return = $value ? 1 : 0;
974 $userid = $value;
975 }
977 elsif (
978 ( $pki_field eq 'Common Name' && $ENV{'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN'} )
979 || ( $pki_field eq 'emailAddress'
980 && $ENV{'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email'} )
981 )
982 {
983 my $value;
984 if ( $pki_field eq 'Common Name' ) {
985 $value = $ENV{'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN'};
986 }
987 elsif ( $pki_field eq 'emailAddress' ) {
988 $value = $ENV{'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email'};
990 # If we're looking up the email, there's a chance that the person
991 # doesn't have a userid. So if there is none, we pass along the
992 # borrower number, and the bits of code that need to know the user
993 # ID will have to be smart enough to handle that.
994 require C4::Members;
995 my @users_info = C4::Members::GetBorrowersWithEmail($value);
996 if (@users_info) {
998 # First the userid, then the borrowernum
999 $value = $users_info[0][1] || $users_info[0][0];
1000 } else {
1001 undef $value;
1002 }
1003 }
1005 $return = $value ? 1 : 0;
1006 $userid = $value;
1008 }
1009 else {
1010 my $retuserid;
1011 ( $return, $cardnumber, $retuserid ) =
1012 checkpw( $dbh, $userid, $password, $query, $type );
1013 $userid = $retuserid if ($retuserid);
1014 $info{'invalid_username_or_password'} = 1 unless ($return);
1015 }
1016 }
1018 # $return: 1 = valid user, 2 = superlibrarian
1019 if ($return) {
1021 #_session_log(sprintf "%20s from %16s logged in at %30s.\n", $userid,$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'},(strftime '%c', localtime));
1022 if ( $flags = haspermission( $userid, $flagsrequired ) ) {
1023 $loggedin = 1;
1024 }
1025 else {
1026 $info{'nopermission'} = 1;
1027 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
1028 }
1029 my ( $borrowernumber, $firstname, $surname, $userflags,
1030 $branchcode, $branchname, $branchprinter, $emailaddress );
1032 if ( $return == 1 ) {
1033 my $select = "
1034 SELECT borrowernumber, firstname, surname, flags, borrowers.branchcode,
1035 branches.branchname as branchname,
1036 branches.branchprinter as branchprinter,
1037 email
1038 FROM borrowers
1039 LEFT JOIN branches on borrowers.branchcode=branches.branchcode
1040 ";
1041 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$select where userid=?");
1042 $sth->execute($userid);
1043 unless ( $sth->rows ) {
1044 $debug and print STDERR "AUTH_1: no rows for userid='$userid'\n";
1045 $sth = $dbh->prepare("$select where cardnumber=?");
1046 $sth->execute($cardnumber);
1048 unless ( $sth->rows ) {
1049 $debug and print STDERR "AUTH_2a: no rows for cardnumber='$cardnumber'\n";
1050 $sth->execute($userid);
1051 unless ( $sth->rows ) {
1052 $debug and print STDERR "AUTH_2b: no rows for userid='$userid' AS cardnumber\n";
1053 }
1054 }
1055 }
1056 if ( $sth->rows ) {
1057 ( $borrowernumber, $firstname, $surname, $userflags,
1058 $branchcode, $branchname, $branchprinter, $emailaddress ) = $sth->fetchrow;
1059 $debug and print STDERR "AUTH_3 results: " .
1060 "$cardnumber,$borrowernumber,$userid,$firstname,$surname,$userflags,$branchcode,$emailaddress\n";
1061 } else {
1062 print STDERR "AUTH_3: no results for userid='$userid', cardnumber='$cardnumber'.\n";
1063 }
1065 # launch a sequence to check if we have a ip for the branch, i
1066 # if we have one we replace the branchcode of the userenv by the branch bound in the ip.
1068 my $ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
1070 # if they specify at login, use that
1071 if ( $query->param('branch') ) {
1072 $branchcode = $query->param('branch');
1073 $branchname = GetBranchName($branchcode);
1074 }
1075 my $branches = GetBranches();
1076 if ( C4::Context->boolean_preference('IndependentBranches') && C4::Context->boolean_preference('Autolocation') ) {
1078 # we have to check they are coming from the right ip range
1079 my $domain = $branches->{$branchcode}->{'branchip'};
1080 if ( $ip !~ /^$domain/ ) {
1081 $loggedin = 0;
1082 $info{'wrongip'} = 1;
1083 }
1084 }
1086 my @branchesloop;
1087 foreach my $br ( keys %$branches ) {
1089 # now we work with the treatment of ip
1090 my $domain = $branches->{$br}->{'branchip'};
1091 if ( $domain && $ip =~ /^$domain/ ) {
1092 $branchcode = $branches->{$br}->{'branchcode'};
1094 # new op dev : add the branchprinter and branchname in the cookie
1095 $branchprinter = $branches->{$br}->{'branchprinter'};
1096 $branchname = $branches->{$br}->{'branchname'};
1097 }
1098 }
1099 $session->param( 'number', $borrowernumber );
1100 $session->param( 'id', $userid );
1101 $session->param( 'cardnumber', $cardnumber );
1102 $session->param( 'firstname', $firstname );
1103 $session->param( 'surname', $surname );
1104 $session->param( 'branch', $branchcode );
1105 $session->param( 'branchname', $branchname );
1106 $session->param( 'flags', $userflags );
1107 $session->param( 'emailaddress', $emailaddress );
1108 $session->param( 'ip', $session->remote_addr() );
1109 $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
1110 $session->param( 'shibboleth', $shibSuccess );
1111 $debug and printf STDERR "AUTH_4: (%s)\t%s %s - %s\n", map { $session->param($_) } qw(cardnumber firstname surname branch);
1112 }
1113 elsif ( $return == 2 ) {
1115 #We suppose the user is the superlibrarian
1116 $borrowernumber = 0;
1117 $session->param( 'number', 0 );
1118 $session->param( 'id', C4::Context->config('user') );
1119 $session->param( 'cardnumber', C4::Context->config('user') );
1120 $session->param( 'firstname', C4::Context->config('user') );
1121 $session->param( 'surname', C4::Context->config('user') );
1122 $session->param( 'branch', 'NO_LIBRARY_SET' );
1123 $session->param( 'branchname', 'NO_LIBRARY_SET' );
1124 $session->param( 'flags', 1 );
1125 $session->param( 'emailaddress', C4::Context->preference('KohaAdminEmailAddress') );
1126 $session->param( 'ip', $session->remote_addr() );
1127 $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
1128 }
1129 if ($persona) {
1130 $session->param( 'persona', 1 );
1131 }
1132 C4::Context->set_userenv(
1133 $session->param('number'), $session->param('id'),
1134 $session->param('cardnumber'), $session->param('firstname'),
1135 $session->param('surname'), $session->param('branch'),
1136 $session->param('branchname'), $session->param('flags'),
1137 $session->param('emailaddress'), $session->param('branchprinter'),
1138 $session->param('persona'), $session->param('shibboleth')
1139 );
1141 }
1142 # $return: 0 = invalid user
1143 # reset to anonymous session
1144 else {
1145 $debug and warn "Login failed, resetting anonymous session...";
1146 if ($userid) {
1147 $info{'invalid_username_or_password'} = 1;
1148 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
1149 }
1150 $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
1151 $session->param( 'ip', $session->remote_addr() );
1152 $session->param( 'sessiontype', 'anon' );
1153 }
1154 } # END if ( $userid = $query->param('userid') )
1155 elsif ( $type eq "opac" ) {
1157 # if we are here this is an anonymous session; add public lists to it and a few other items...
1158 # anonymous sessions are created only for the OPAC
1159 $debug and warn "Initiating an anonymous session...";
1161 # setting a couple of other session vars...
1162 $session->param( 'ip', $session->remote_addr() );
1163 $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
1164 $session->param( 'sessiontype', 'anon' );
1165 }
1166 } # END unless ($userid)
1168 # finished authentification, now respond
11691500ns if ( $loggedin || $authnotrequired )
1170 {
1171 # successful login
117218µs4341µs unless ($cookie) {
# spent 341µs making 4 calls to CGI::Cookie::as_string, avg 85µs/call
1173 $cookie = $query->cookie(
1174 -name => 'CGISESSID',
1175 -value => '',
1176 -HttpOnly => 1
1177 );
1178 }
117919µs return ( $userid, $cookie, $sessionID, $flags );
1180 }
1182 #
1183 #
1184 # AUTH rejected, show the login/password template, after checking the DB.
1185 #
1186 #
1188 # get the inputs from the incoming query
1189 my @inputs = ();
1190 foreach my $name ( param $query) {
1191 (next) if ( $name eq 'userid' || $name eq 'password' || $name eq 'ticket' );
1192 my $value = $query->param($name);
1193 push @inputs, { name => $name, value => $value };
1194 }
1196 my $LibraryNameTitle = C4::Context->preference("LibraryName");
1197 $LibraryNameTitle =~ s/<(?:\/?)(?:br|p)\s*(?:\/?)>/ /sgi;
1198 $LibraryNameTitle =~ s/<(?:[^<>'"]|'(?:[^']*)'|"(?:[^"]*)")*>//sg;
1200 my $template_name = ( $type eq 'opac' ) ? 'opac-auth.tt' : 'auth.tt';
1201 my $template = C4::Templates::gettemplate( $template_name, $type, $query );
1202 $template->param(
1203 branchloop => GetBranchesLoop(),
1204 OpacAdditionalStylesheet => C4::Context->preference("OpacAdditionalStylesheet"),
1205 opaclayoutstylesheet => C4::Context->preference("opaclayoutstylesheet"),
1206 login => 1,
1207 INPUTS => \@inputs,
1208 casAuthentication => C4::Context->preference("casAuthentication"),
1209 shibbolethAuthentication => $shib,
1210 SessionRestrictionByIP => C4::Context->preference("SessionRestrictionByIP"),
1211 suggestion => C4::Context->preference("suggestion"),
1212 virtualshelves => C4::Context->preference("virtualshelves"),
1213 LibraryName => "" . C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"),
1214 LibraryNameTitle => "" . $LibraryNameTitle,
1215 opacuserlogin => C4::Context->preference("opacuserlogin"),
1216 OpacNav => C4::Context->preference("OpacNav"),
1217 OpacNavRight => C4::Context->preference("OpacNavRight"),
1218 OpacNavBottom => C4::Context->preference("OpacNavBottom"),
1219 opaccredits => C4::Context->preference("opaccredits"),
1220 OpacFavicon => C4::Context->preference("OpacFavicon"),
1221 opacreadinghistory => C4::Context->preference("opacreadinghistory"),
1222 opaclanguagesdisplay => C4::Context->preference("opaclanguagesdisplay"),
1223 OPACUserJS => C4::Context->preference("OPACUserJS"),
1224 opacbookbag => "" . C4::Context->preference("opacbookbag"),
1225 OpacCloud => C4::Context->preference("OpacCloud"),
1226 OpacTopissue => C4::Context->preference("OpacTopissue"),
1227 OpacAuthorities => C4::Context->preference("OpacAuthorities"),
1228 OpacBrowser => C4::Context->preference("OpacBrowser"),
1229 opacheader => C4::Context->preference("opacheader"),
1230 TagsEnabled => C4::Context->preference("TagsEnabled"),
1231 OPACUserCSS => C4::Context->preference("OPACUserCSS"),
1232 intranetcolorstylesheet => C4::Context->preference("intranetcolorstylesheet"),
1233 intranetstylesheet => C4::Context->preference("intranetstylesheet"),
1234 intranetbookbag => C4::Context->preference("intranetbookbag"),
1235 IntranetNav => C4::Context->preference("IntranetNav"),
1236 IntranetFavicon => C4::Context->preference("IntranetFavicon"),
1237 IntranetUserCSS => C4::Context->preference("IntranetUserCSS"),
1238 IntranetUserJS => C4::Context->preference("IntranetUserJS"),
1239 IndependentBranches => C4::Context->preference("IndependentBranches"),
1240 AutoLocation => C4::Context->preference("AutoLocation"),
1241 wrongip => $info{'wrongip'},
1242 PatronSelfRegistration => C4::Context->preference("PatronSelfRegistration"),
1243 PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory => C4::Context->preference("PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory"),
1244 persona => C4::Context->preference("Persona"),
1245 opac_css_override => $ENV{'OPAC_CSS_OVERRIDE'},
1246 );
1248 $template->param( OpacPublic => C4::Context->preference("OpacPublic") );
1249 $template->param( loginprompt => 1 ) unless $info{'nopermission'};
1251 if ( $type eq 'opac' ) {
1252 require Koha::Virtualshelves;
1253 my $some_public_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
1254 {
1255 category => 2,
1256 }
1257 );
1258 $template->param(
1259 some_public_shelves => $some_public_shelves,
1260 );
1261 }
1263 if ($cas) {
1265 # Is authentication against multiple CAS servers enabled?
1266 if ( C4::Auth_with_cas::multipleAuth && !$casparam ) {
1267 my $casservers = C4::Auth_with_cas::getMultipleAuth();
1268 my @tmplservers;
1269 foreach my $key ( keys %$casservers ) {
1270 push @tmplservers, { name => $key, value => login_cas_url( $query, $key, $type ) . "?cas=$key" };
1271 }
1272 $template->param(
1273 casServersLoop => \@tmplservers
1274 );
1275 } else {
1276 $template->param(
1277 casServerUrl => login_cas_url($query, undef, $type),
1278 );
1279 }
1281 $template->param(
1282 invalidCasLogin => $info{'invalidCasLogin'}
1283 );
1284 }
1286 if ($shib) {
1287 $template->param(
1288 shibbolethAuthentication => $shib,
1289 shibbolethLoginUrl => login_shib_url($query),
1290 );
1291 }
1293 $template->param(
1294 LibraryName => C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"),
1295 );
1296 $template->param(%info);
1298 # $cookie = $query->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id
1299 # );
1300 print $query->header(
1301 -type => 'text/html',
1302 -charset => 'utf-8',
1303 -cookie => $cookie
1304 ),
1305 $template->output;
1306 safe_exit;
1309=head2 check_api_auth
1311 ($status, $cookie, $sessionId) = check_api_auth($query, $userflags);
1313Given a CGI query containing the parameters 'userid' and 'password' and/or a session
1314cookie, determine if the user has the privileges specified by C<$userflags>.
1316C<check_api_auth> is is meant for authenticating users of web services, and
1317consequently will always return and will not attempt to redirect the user
1320If a valid session cookie is already present, check_api_auth will return a status
1321of "ok", the cookie, and the Koha session ID.
1323If no session cookie is present, check_api_auth will check the 'userid' and 'password
1324parameters and create a session cookie and Koha session if the supplied credentials
1325are OK.
1327Possible return values in C<$status> are:
1331=item "ok" -- user authenticated; C<$cookie> and C<$sessionid> have valid values.
1333=item "failed" -- credentials are not correct; C<$cookie> and C<$sessionid> are undef
1335=item "maintenance" -- DB is in maintenance mode; no login possible at the moment
1337=item "expired -- session cookie has expired; API user should resubmit userid and password
1343sub check_api_auth {
1344 my $query = shift;
1345 my $flagsrequired = shift;
1347 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
1348 my $timeout = _timeout_syspref();
1350 unless ( C4::Context->preference('Version') ) {
1352 # database has not been installed yet
1353 return ( "maintenance", undef, undef );
1354 }
1355 my $kohaversion = Koha::version();
1356 $kohaversion =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/;
1357 if ( C4::Context->preference('Version') < $kohaversion ) {
1359 # database in need of version update; assume that
1360 # no API should be called while databsae is in
1361 # this condition.
1362 return ( "maintenance", undef, undef );
1363 }
1365 # FIXME -- most of what follows is a copy-and-paste
1366 # of code from checkauth. There is an obvious need
1367 # for refactoring to separate the various parts of
1368 # the authentication code, but as of 2007-11-19 this
1369 # is deferred so as to not introduce bugs into the
1370 # regular authentication code for Koha 3.0.
1372 # see if we have a valid session cookie already
1373 # however, if a userid parameter is present (i.e., from
1374 # a form submission, assume that any current cookie
1375 # is to be ignored
1376 my $sessionID = undef;
1377 unless ( $query->param('userid') ) {
1378 $sessionID = $query->cookie("CGISESSID");
1379 }
1380 if ( $sessionID && not( $cas && $query->param('PT') ) ) {
1381 my $session = get_session($sessionID);
1382 C4::Context->_new_userenv($sessionID);
1383 if ($session) {
1384 C4::Context->set_userenv(
1385 $session->param('number'), $session->param('id'),
1386 $session->param('cardnumber'), $session->param('firstname'),
1387 $session->param('surname'), $session->param('branch'),
1388 $session->param('branchname'), $session->param('flags'),
1389 $session->param('emailaddress'), $session->param('branchprinter')
1390 );
1392 my $ip = $session->param('ip');
1393 my $lasttime = $session->param('lasttime');
1394 my $userid = $session->param('id');
1395 if ( $lasttime < time() - $timeout ) {
1397 # time out
1398 $session->delete();
1399 $session->flush;
1400 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
1401 $userid = undef;
1402 $sessionID = undef;
1403 return ( "expired", undef, undef );
1404 } elsif ( C4::Context->preference('SessionRestrictionByIP') && $ip ne $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} ) {
1406 # IP address changed
1407 $session->delete();
1408 $session->flush;
1409 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
1410 $userid = undef;
1411 $sessionID = undef;
1412 return ( "expired", undef, undef );
1413 } else {
1414 my $cookie = $query->cookie(
1415 -name => 'CGISESSID',
1416 -value => $session->id,
1417 -HttpOnly => 1,
1418 );
1419 $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
1420 my $flags = haspermission( $userid, $flagsrequired );
1421 if ($flags) {
1422 return ( "ok", $cookie, $sessionID );
1423 } else {
1424 $session->delete();
1425 $session->flush;
1426 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
1427 $userid = undef;
1428 $sessionID = undef;
1429 return ( "failed", undef, undef );
1430 }
1431 }
1432 } else {
1433 return ( "expired", undef, undef );
1434 }
1435 } else {
1437 # new login
1438 my $userid = $query->param('userid');
1439 my $password = $query->param('password');
1440 my ( $return, $cardnumber );
1442 # Proxy CAS auth
1443 if ( $cas && $query->param('PT') ) {
1444 my $retuserid;
1445 $debug and print STDERR "## check_api_auth - checking CAS\n";
1447 # In case of a CAS authentication, we use the ticket instead of the password
1448 my $PT = $query->param('PT');
1449 ( $return, $cardnumber, $userid ) = check_api_auth_cas( $dbh, $PT, $query ); # EXTERNAL AUTH
1450 } else {
1452 # User / password auth
1453 unless ( $userid and $password ) {
1455 # caller did something wrong, fail the authenticateion
1456 return ( "failed", undef, undef );
1457 }
1458 ( $return, $cardnumber ) = checkpw( $dbh, $userid, $password, $query );
1459 }
1461 if ( $return and haspermission( $userid, $flagsrequired ) ) {
1462 my $session = get_session("");
1463 return ( "failed", undef, undef ) unless $session;
1465 my $sessionID = $session->id;
1466 C4::Context->_new_userenv($sessionID);
1467 my $cookie = $query->cookie(
1468 -name => 'CGISESSID',
1469 -value => $sessionID,
1470 -HttpOnly => 1,
1471 );
1472 if ( $return == 1 ) {
1473 my (
1474 $borrowernumber, $firstname, $surname,
1475 $userflags, $branchcode, $branchname,
1476 $branchprinter, $emailaddress
1477 );
1478 my $sth =
1479 $dbh->prepare(
1480"select borrowernumber, firstname, surname, flags, borrowers.branchcode, branches.branchname as branchname,branches.branchprinter as branchprinter, email from borrowers left join branches on borrowers.branchcode=branches.branchcode where userid=?"
1481 );
1482 $sth->execute($userid);
1483 (
1484 $borrowernumber, $firstname, $surname,
1485 $userflags, $branchcode, $branchname,
1486 $branchprinter, $emailaddress
1487 ) = $sth->fetchrow if ( $sth->rows );
1489 unless ( $sth->rows ) {
1490 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
1491"select borrowernumber, firstname, surname, flags, borrowers.branchcode, branches.branchname as branchname, branches.branchprinter as branchprinter, email from borrowers left join branches on borrowers.branchcode=branches.branchcode where cardnumber=?"
1492 );
1493 $sth->execute($cardnumber);
1494 (
1495 $borrowernumber, $firstname, $surname,
1496 $userflags, $branchcode, $branchname,
1497 $branchprinter, $emailaddress
1498 ) = $sth->fetchrow if ( $sth->rows );
1500 unless ( $sth->rows ) {
1501 $sth->execute($userid);
1502 (
1503 $borrowernumber, $firstname, $surname, $userflags,
1504 $branchcode, $branchname, $branchprinter, $emailaddress
1505 ) = $sth->fetchrow if ( $sth->rows );
1506 }
1507 }
1509 my $ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
1511 # if they specify at login, use that
1512 if ( $query->param('branch') ) {
1513 $branchcode = $query->param('branch');
1514 $branchname = GetBranchName($branchcode);
1515 }
1516 my $branches = GetBranches();
1517 my @branchesloop;
1518 foreach my $br ( keys %$branches ) {
1520 # now we work with the treatment of ip
1521 my $domain = $branches->{$br}->{'branchip'};
1522 if ( $domain && $ip =~ /^$domain/ ) {
1523 $branchcode = $branches->{$br}->{'branchcode'};
1525 # new op dev : add the branchprinter and branchname in the cookie
1526 $branchprinter = $branches->{$br}->{'branchprinter'};
1527 $branchname = $branches->{$br}->{'branchname'};
1528 }
1529 }
1530 $session->param( 'number', $borrowernumber );
1531 $session->param( 'id', $userid );
1532 $session->param( 'cardnumber', $cardnumber );
1533 $session->param( 'firstname', $firstname );
1534 $session->param( 'surname', $surname );
1535 $session->param( 'branch', $branchcode );
1536 $session->param( 'branchname', $branchname );
1537 $session->param( 'flags', $userflags );
1538 $session->param( 'emailaddress', $emailaddress );
1539 $session->param( 'ip', $session->remote_addr() );
1540 $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
1541 } elsif ( $return == 2 ) {
1543 #We suppose the user is the superlibrarian
1544 $session->param( 'number', 0 );
1545 $session->param( 'id', C4::Context->config('user') );
1546 $session->param( 'cardnumber', C4::Context->config('user') );
1547 $session->param( 'firstname', C4::Context->config('user') );
1548 $session->param( 'surname', C4::Context->config('user') );
1549 $session->param( 'branch', 'NO_LIBRARY_SET' );
1550 $session->param( 'branchname', 'NO_LIBRARY_SET' );
1551 $session->param( 'flags', 1 );
1552 $session->param( 'emailaddress', C4::Context->preference('KohaAdminEmailAddress') );
1553 $session->param( 'ip', $session->remote_addr() );
1554 $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
1555 }
1556 C4::Context->set_userenv(
1557 $session->param('number'), $session->param('id'),
1558 $session->param('cardnumber'), $session->param('firstname'),
1559 $session->param('surname'), $session->param('branch'),
1560 $session->param('branchname'), $session->param('flags'),
1561 $session->param('emailaddress'), $session->param('branchprinter')
1562 );
1563 return ( "ok", $cookie, $sessionID );
1564 } else {
1565 return ( "failed", undef, undef );
1566 }
1567 }
1570=head2 check_cookie_auth
1572 ($status, $sessionId) = check_api_auth($cookie, $userflags);
1574Given a CGISESSID cookie set during a previous login to Koha, determine
1575if the user has the privileges specified by C<$userflags>.
1577C<check_cookie_auth> is meant for authenticating special services
1578such as tools/upload-file.pl that are invoked by other pages that
1579have been authenticated in the usual way.
1581Possible return values in C<$status> are:
1585=item "ok" -- user authenticated; C<$sessionID> have valid values.
1587=item "failed" -- credentials are not correct; C<$sessionid> are undef
1589=item "maintenance" -- DB is in maintenance mode; no login possible at the moment
1591=item "expired -- session cookie has expired; API user should resubmit userid and password
# spent 18.8ms (220µs+18.6) within C4::Auth::check_cookie_auth which was called: # once (220µs+18.6ms) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_circ_ysearch_2epl::__ANON__[/home/vagrant/kohaclone/circ/ysearch.pl:115] at line 42 of circ/ysearch.pl
sub check_cookie_auth {
1598 my $cookie = shift;
1599 my $flagsrequired = shift;
16011249µs my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# spent 249µs making 1 call to C4::Context::dbh
160213.26ms my $timeout = _timeout_syspref();
# spent 3.26ms making 1 call to C4::Auth::_timeout_syspref
160412.81ms unless ( C4::Context->preference('Version') ) {
# spent 2.81ms making 1 call to C4::Context::preference
1606 # database has not been installed yet
1607 return ( "maintenance", undef );
1608 }
160914µs my $kohaversion = Koha::version();
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Koha::version
161039µs $kohaversion =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/;
# spent 6µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::CORE:subst # spent 3µs making 2 calls to C4::Auth::CORE:substcont, avg 1µs/call
161112.55ms if ( C4::Context->preference('Version') < $kohaversion ) {
# spent 2.55ms making 1 call to C4::Context::preference
1613 # database in need of version update; assume that
1614 # no API should be called while databsae is in
1615 # this condition.
1616 return ( "maintenance", undef );
1617 }
1619 # FIXME -- most of what follows is a copy-and-paste
1620 # of code from checkauth. There is an obvious need
1621 # for refactoring to separate the various parts of
1622 # the authentication code, but as of 2007-11-23 this
1623 # is deferred so as to not introduce bugs into the
1624 # regular authentication code for Koha 3.0.
1626 # see if we have a valid session cookie already
1627 # however, if a userid parameter is present (i.e., from
1628 # a form submission, assume that any current cookie
1629 # is to be ignored
1630 unless ( defined $cookie and $cookie ) {
1631 return ( "failed", undef );
1632 }
1633 my $sessionID = $cookie;
163413.78ms my $session = get_session($sessionID);
# spent 3.78ms making 1 call to C4::Auth::get_session
163518µs C4::Context->_new_userenv($sessionID);
# spent 8µs making 1 call to C4::Context::_new_userenv
1636 if ($session) {
163711179µs C4::Context->set_userenv(
# spent 130µs making 1 call to C4::Context::set_userenv # spent 49µs making 10 calls to CGI::Session::param, avg 5µs/call
1638 $session->param('number'), $session->param('id'),
1639 $session->param('cardnumber'), $session->param('firstname'),
1640 $session->param('surname'), $session->param('branch'),
1641 $session->param('branchname'), $session->param('flags'),
1642 $session->param('emailaddress'), $session->param('branchprinter')
1643 );
164515µs my $ip = $session->param('ip');
# spent 5µs making 1 call to CGI::Session::param
164614µs my $lasttime = $session->param('lasttime');
# spent 4µs making 1 call to CGI::Session::param
164714µs my $userid = $session->param('id');
# spent 4µs making 1 call to CGI::Session::param
164812.98ms if ( $lasttime < time() - $timeout ) {
# spent 2.98ms making 1 call to C4::Context::preference
1650 # time out
1651 $session->delete();
1652 $session->flush;
1653 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
1654 $userid = undef;
1655 $sessionID = undef;
1656 return ("expired", undef);
1657 } elsif ( C4::Context->preference('SessionRestrictionByIP') && $ip ne $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} ) {
1659 # IP address changed
1660 $session->delete();
1661 $session->flush;
1662 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
1663 $userid = undef;
1664 $sessionID = undef;
1665 return ( "expired", undef );
1666 } else {
1667137µs $session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
# spent 37µs making 1 call to CGI::Session::param
16684960µs my $flags = haspermission( $userid, $flagsrequired );
# spent 954µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::haspermission # spent 5µs making 2 calls to DBI::common::DESTROY, avg 2µs/call # spent 900ns making 1 call to DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY
1669 if ($flags) {
1670 return ( "ok", $sessionID );
1671 } else {
1672 $session->delete();
1673 $session->flush;
1674 C4::Context->_unset_userenv($sessionID);
1675 $userid = undef;
1676 $sessionID = undef;
1677 return ( "failed", undef );
1678 }
1679 }
1680 } else {
1681 return ( "expired", undef );
1682 }
1685=head2 get_session
1687 use CGI::Session;
1688 my $session = get_session($sessionID);
1690Given a session ID, retrieve the CGI::Session object used to store
1691the session's state. The session object can be used to store
1692data that needs to be accessed by different scripts during a
1693user's session.
1695If the C<$sessionID> parameter is an empty string, a new session
1696will be created.
# spent 67.8ms (271µs+67.5) within C4::Auth::get_session which was called 9 times, avg 7.53ms/call: # 4 times (145µs+39.4ms) by C4::Auth::checkauth at line 792, avg 9.88ms/call # 4 times (92µs+24.4ms) by C4::Search::History::get_from_session at line 203 of C4/Search/History.pm, avg 6.12ms/call # once (34µs+3.75ms) by C4::Auth::check_cookie_auth at line 1634
sub get_session {
17012800ns my $sessionID = shift;
1702229µs953.8ms my $storage_method = C4::Context->preference('SessionStorage');
# spent 53.8ms making 9 calls to C4::Context::preference, avg 5.98ms/call
1703223µs92.84ms my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# spent 2.84ms making 9 calls to C4::Context::dbh, avg 315µs/call
17042400ns my $session;
1705239µs910.8ms if ( $storage_method eq 'mysql' ) {
# spent 10.8ms making 9 calls to CGI::Session::new, avg 1.21ms/call
1706 $session = new CGI::Session( "driver:MySQL;serializer:yaml;id:md5", $sessionID, { Handle => $dbh } );
1707 }
1708 elsif ( $storage_method eq 'Pg' ) {
1709 $session = new CGI::Session( "driver:PostgreSQL;serializer:yaml;id:md5", $sessionID, { Handle => $dbh } );
1710 }
1711 elsif ( $storage_method eq 'memcached' && C4::Context->ismemcached ) {
1712 $session = new CGI::Session( "driver:memcached;serializer:yaml;id:md5", $sessionID, { Memcached => C4::Context->memcached } );
1713 }
1714 else {
1715 # catch all defaults to tmp should work on all systems
1716 $session = new CGI::Session( "driver:File;serializer:yaml;id:md5", $sessionID, { Directory => '/tmp' } );
1717 }
171827µs return $session;
1721sub checkpw {
1722 my ( $dbh, $userid, $password, $query, $type ) = @_;
1723 $type = 'opac' unless $type;
1724 if ($ldap) {
1725 $debug and print STDERR "## checkpw - checking LDAP\n";
1726 my ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_ldap(@_); # EXTERNAL AUTH
1727 return 0 if $retval == -1; # Incorrect password for LDAP login attempt
1728 ($retval) and return ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid );
1729 }
1731 if ( $cas && $query && $query->param('ticket') ) {
1732 $debug and print STDERR "## checkpw - checking CAS\n";
1734 # In case of a CAS authentication, we use the ticket instead of the password
1735 my $ticket = $query->param('ticket');
1736 $query->delete('ticket'); # remove ticket to come back to original URL
1737 my ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_cas( $dbh, $ticket, $query, $type ); # EXTERNAL AUTH
1738 ($retval) and return ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid );
1739 return 0;
1740 }
1742 # If we are in a shibboleth session (shibboleth is enabled, and a shibboleth match attribute is present)
1743 # Check for password to asertain whether we want to be testing against shibboleth or another method this
1744 # time around.
1745 if ( $shib && $shib_login && !$password ) {
1747 $debug and print STDERR "## checkpw - checking Shibboleth\n";
1749 # In case of a Shibboleth authentication, we expect a shibboleth user attribute
1750 # (defined under shibboleth mapping in koha-conf.xml) to contain the login of the
1751 # shibboleth-authenticated user
1753 # Then, we check if it matches a valid koha user
1754 if ($shib_login) {
1755 my ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::checkpw_shib($shib_login); # EXTERNAL AUTH
1756 ($retval) and return ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid );
1757 return 0;
1758 }
1759 }
1762 return checkpw_internal(@_)
1765sub checkpw_internal {
1766 my ( $dbh, $userid, $password ) = @_;
1768 $password = Encode::encode( 'UTF-8', $password )
1769 if Encode::is_utf8($password);
1771 if ( $userid && $userid eq C4::Context->config('user') ) {
1772 if ( $password && $password eq C4::Context->config('pass') ) {
1774 # Koha superuser account
1775 # C4::Context->set_userenv(0,0,C4::Context->config('user'),C4::Context->config('user'),C4::Context->config('user'),"",1);
1776 return 2;
1777 }
1778 else {
1779 return 0;
1780 }
1781 }
1783 my $sth =
1784 $dbh->prepare(
1785 "select password,cardnumber,borrowernumber,userid,firstname,surname,borrowers.branchcode,branches.branchname,flags from borrowers join branches on borrowers.branchcode=branches.branchcode where userid=?"
1786 );
1787 $sth->execute($userid);
1788 if ( $sth->rows ) {
1789 my ( $stored_hash, $cardnumber, $borrowernumber, $userid, $firstname,
1790 $surname, $branchcode, $branchname, $flags )
1791 = $sth->fetchrow;
1793 if ( checkpw_hash( $password, $stored_hash ) ) {
1795 C4::Context->set_userenv( "$borrowernumber", $userid, $cardnumber,
1796 $firstname, $surname, $branchcode, $branchname, $flags );
1797 return 1, $cardnumber, $userid;
1798 }
1799 }
1800 $sth =
1801 $dbh->prepare(
1802 "select password,cardnumber,borrowernumber,userid,firstname,surname,borrowers.branchcode,branches.branchname,flags from borrowers join branches on borrowers.branchcode=branches.branchcode where cardnumber=?"
1803 );
1804 $sth->execute($userid);
1805 if ( $sth->rows ) {
1806 my ( $stored_hash, $cardnumber, $borrowernumber, $userid, $firstname,
1807 $surname, $branchcode, $branchname, $flags )
1808 = $sth->fetchrow;
1810 if ( checkpw_hash( $password, $stored_hash ) ) {
1812 C4::Context->set_userenv( $borrowernumber, $userid, $cardnumber,
1813 $firstname, $surname, $branchcode, $branchname, $flags );
1814 return 1, $cardnumber, $userid;
1815 }
1816 }
1817 if ( $userid && $userid eq 'demo'
1818 && "$password" eq 'demo'
1819 && C4::Context->config('demo') )
1820 {
1822 # DEMO => the demo user is allowed to do everything (if demo set to 1 in koha.conf
1823 # some features won't be effective : modify systempref, modify MARC structure,
1824 return 2;
1825 }
1826 return 0;
1829sub checkpw_hash {
1830 my ( $password, $stored_hash ) = @_;
1832 return if $stored_hash eq '!';
1834 # check what encryption algorithm was implemented: Bcrypt - if the hash starts with '$2' it is Bcrypt else md5
1835 my $hash;
1836 if ( substr( $stored_hash, 0, 2 ) eq '$2' ) {
1837 $hash = hash_password( $password, $stored_hash );
1838 } else {
1839 $hash = md5_base64($password);
1840 }
1841 return $hash eq $stored_hash;
1844=head2 getuserflags
1846 my $authflags = getuserflags($flags, $userid, [$dbh]);
1848Translates integer flags into permissions strings hash.
1850C<$flags> is the integer userflags value ( borrowers.userflags )
1851C<$userid> is the members.userid, used for building subpermissions
1852C<$authflags> is a hashref of permissions
# spent 3.05ms (599µs+2.45) within C4::Auth::getuserflags which was called 5 times, avg 609µs/call: # 5 times (599µs+2.45ms) by C4::Auth::haspermission at line 1976, avg 609µs/call
sub getuserflags {
18571500ns my $flags = shift;
18581200ns my $userid = shift;
185916µs5482µs my $dbh = @_ ? shift : C4::Context->dbh;
# spent 482µs making 5 calls to C4::Context::dbh, avg 96µs/call
18601400ns my $userflags;
1861 {
1862 # I don't want to do this, but if someone logs in as the database
1863 # user, it would be preferable not to spam them to death with
1864 # numeric warnings. So, we make $flags numeric.
# spent 73µs (65+9) within C4::Auth::BEGIN@1865 which was called: # once (65µs+9µs) by CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_errors_404_2epl::BEGIN@22 at line 1865
no warnings 'numeric';
# spent 73µs making 1 call to C4::Auth::BEGIN@1865 # spent 8µs making 1 call to warnings::unimport
186611µs $flags += 0;
1867 }
186815µs10315µs my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT bit, flag, defaulton FROM userflags");
# spent 171µs making 5 calls to DBI::db::prepare, avg 34µs/call # spent 144µs making 5 calls to DBD::mysql::db::prepare, avg 29µs/call
1869156µs5237µs $sth->execute;
# spent 237µs making 5 calls to DBI::st::execute, avg 47µs/call
1871179µs100132µs while ( my ( $bit, $flag, $defaulton ) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
# spent 132µs making 100 calls to DBI::st::fetchrow, avg 1µs/call
1872 if ( ( $flags & ( 2**$bit ) ) || $defaulton ) {
1873 $userflags->{$flag} = 1;
1874 }
1875 else {
18761821µs $userflags->{$flag} = 0;
1877 }
1878 }
1880 # get subpermissions and merge with top-level permissions
188112µs201.43ms my $user_subperms = get_user_subpermissions($userid);
# spent 1.41ms making 5 calls to C4::Auth::get_user_subpermissions, avg 281µs/call # spent 18µs making 10 calls to DBI::common::DESTROY, avg 2µs/call # spent 9µs making 5 calls to DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY, avg 2µs/call
188213µs foreach my $module ( keys %$user_subperms ) {
1883 next if $userflags->{$module} == 1; # user already has permission for everything in this module
1884 $userflags->{$module} = $user_subperms->{$module};
1885 }
1887112µs return $userflags;
1890=head2 get_user_subpermissions
1892 $user_perm_hashref = get_user_subpermissions($userid);
1894Given the userid (note, not the borrowernumber) of a staff user,
1895return a hashref of hashrefs of the specific subpermissions
1896accorded to the user. An example return is
1898 {
1899 tools => {
1900 export_catalog => 1,
1901 import_patrons => 1,
1902 }
1903 }
1905The top-level hash-key is a module or function code from
1906userflags.flag, while the second-level key is a code
1907from permissions.
1909The results of this function do not give a complete picture
1910of the functions that a staff user can access; it is also
1911necessary to check borrowers.flags.
# spent 1.41ms (152µs+1.25) within C4::Auth::get_user_subpermissions which was called 5 times, avg 281µs/call: # 5 times (152µs+1.25ms) by C4::Auth::getuserflags at line 1881, avg 281µs/call
sub get_user_subpermissions {
19161500ns my $userid = shift;
191815µs5431µs my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# spent 431µs making 5 calls to C4::Context::dbh, avg 86µs/call
191914µs10296µs my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT flag, user_permissions.code
# spent 156µs making 5 calls to DBI::db::prepare, avg 31µs/call # spent 140µs making 5 calls to DBD::mysql::db::prepare, avg 28µs/call
1920 FROM user_permissions
1921 JOIN permissions USING (module_bit, code)
1922 JOIN userflags ON (module_bit = bit)
1923 JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
1924 WHERE userid = ?" );
1925143µs5458µs $sth->execute($userid);
# spent 458µs making 5 calls to DBI::st::execute, avg 92µs/call
19271900ns my $user_perms = {};
192817µs10337µs while ( my $perm = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
# spent 182µs making 5 calls to DBI::st::fetchrow_hashref, avg 36µs/call # spent 156µs making 5 calls to DBD::mysql::st::__ANON__[DBD/mysql.pm:799], avg 31µs/call
1929 $user_perms->{ $perm->{'flag'} }->{ $perm->{'code'} } = 1;
1930 }
1931118µs return $user_perms;
1934=head2 get_all_subpermissions
1936 my $perm_hashref = get_all_subpermissions();
1938Returns a hashref of hashrefs defining all specific
1939permissions currently defined. The return value
1940has the same structure as that of C<get_user_subpermissions>,
1941except that the innermost hash value is the description
1942of the subpermission.
# spent 9.58ms (1.41+8.17) within C4::Auth::get_all_subpermissions which was called 4 times, avg 2.39ms/call: # 4 times (1.41ms+8.17ms) by C4::Auth::get_template_and_user at line 253, avg 2.39ms/call
sub get_all_subpermissions {
194719µs42.67ms my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# spent 2.67ms making 4 calls to C4::Context::dbh, avg 667µs/call
194815µs8415µs my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT flag, code
# spent 219µs making 4 calls to DBI::db::prepare, avg 55µs/call # spent 196µs making 4 calls to DBD::mysql::db::prepare, avg 49µs/call
1949 FROM permissions
1950 JOIN userflags ON (module_bit = bit)" );
1951154µs4271µs $sth->execute();
# spent 271µs making 4 calls to DBI::st::execute, avg 68µs/call
19531900ns my $all_perms = {};
19541409µs6169.26ms while ( my $perm = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
# spent 4.99ms making 308 calls to DBI::st::fetchrow_hashref, avg 16µs/call # spent 4.27ms making 308 calls to DBD::mysql::st::__ANON__[DBD/mysql.pm:799], avg 14µs/call
1955 $all_perms->{ $perm->{'flag'} }->{ $perm->{'code'} } = 1;
1956 }
1957121µs return $all_perms;
1960=head2 haspermission
1962 $flags = ($userid, $flagsrequired);
1964C<$userid> the userid of the member
1965C<$flags> is a hashref of required flags like C<$borrower-&lt;{authflags}>
1967Returns member's flags or 0 if a permission is not met.
# spent 6.04ms (224µs+5.82) within C4::Auth::haspermission which was called 5 times, avg 1.21ms/call: # 4 times (177µs+4.91ms) by C4::Auth::checkauth at line 890, avg 1.27ms/call # once (47µs+907µs) by C4::Auth::check_cookie_auth at line 1668
sub haspermission {
19721900ns my ( $userid, $flagsrequired ) = @_;
1973114µs152.72ms my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT flags FROM borrowers WHERE userid=?");
# spent 2.18ms making 5 calls to C4::Context::dbh, avg 435µs/call # spent 286µs making 5 calls to DBI::db::prepare, avg 57µs/call # spent 262µs making 5 calls to DBD::mysql::db::prepare, avg 52µs/call
1974145µs5223µs $sth->execute($userid);
# spent 223µs making 5 calls to DBI::st::execute, avg 45µs/call
197518µs520µs my $row = $sth->fetchrow();
# spent 20µs making 5 calls to DBI::st::fetchrow, avg 4µs/call
197613µs203.07ms my $flags = getuserflags( $row, $userid );
# spent 3.05ms making 5 calls to C4::Auth::getuserflags, avg 609µs/call # spent 14µs making 10 calls to DBI::common::DESTROY, avg 1µs/call # spent 8µs making 5 calls to DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY, avg 2µs/call
1977115µs545µs if ( $userid eq C4::Context->config('user') ) {
# spent 45µs making 5 calls to C4::Context::config, avg 9µs/call
1979 # Super User Account from /etc/koha.conf
1980 $flags->{'superlibrarian'} = 1;
1981 }
1982 elsif ( $userid eq 'demo' && C4::Context->config('demo') ) {
1984 # Demo user that can do "anything" (demo=1 in /etc/koha.conf)
1985 $flags->{'superlibrarian'} = 1;
1986 }
1988115µs return $flags if $flags->{superlibrarian};
1990 foreach my $module ( keys %$flagsrequired ) {
1991 my $subperm = $flagsrequired->{$module};
1992 if ( $subperm eq '*' ) {
1993 return 0 unless ( $flags->{$module} == 1 or ref( $flags->{$module} ) );
1994 } else {
1995 return 0 unless (
1996 ( defined $flags->{$module} and
1997 $flags->{$module} == 1 )
1998 or
1999 ( ref( $flags->{$module} ) and
2000 exists $flags->{$module}->{$subperm} and
2001 $flags->{$module}->{$subperm} == 1 )
2002 );
2003 }
2004 }
2005 return $flags;
2007 #FIXME - This fcn should return the failed permission so a suitable error msg can be delivered.
# spent 70µs (46+23) within C4::Auth::getborrowernumber which was called 4 times, avg 17µs/call: # 4 times (46µs+23µs) by C4::Auth::get_template_and_user at line 213, avg 17µs/call
sub getborrowernumber {
20111500ns my ($userid) = @_;
2012112µs423µs my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv;
# spent 23µs making 4 calls to C4::Context::userenv, avg 6µs/call
201316µs if ( defined($userenv) && ref($userenv) eq 'HASH' && $userenv->{number} ) {
2014 return $userenv->{number};
2015 }
2016 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
2017 for my $field ( 'userid', 'cardnumber' ) {
2018 my $sth =
2019 $dbh->prepare("select borrowernumber from borrowers where $field=?");
2020 $sth->execute($userid);
2021 if ( $sth->rows ) {
2022 my ($bnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
2023 return $bnumber;
2024 }
2025 }
2026 return 0;
2029END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)
# spent 80µs within C4::Auth::CORE:match which was called 13 times, avg 6µs/call: # 5 times (40µs+0s) by C4::Auth::_timeout_syspref at line 731, avg 8µs/call # 4 times (23µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_template_and_user at line 163, avg 6µs/call # 4 times (18µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_template_and_user at line 173, avg 4µs/call
sub C4::Auth::CORE:match; # opcode
# spent 74µs within C4::Auth::CORE:regcomp which was called 4 times, avg 18µs/call: # 4 times (74µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_template_and_user at line 163, avg 18µs/call
sub C4::Auth::CORE:regcomp; # opcode
# spent 36µs within C4::Auth::CORE:subst which was called 5 times, avg 7µs/call: # 4 times (30µs+0s) by C4::Auth::_version_check at line 705, avg 8µs/call # once (6µs+0s) by C4::Auth::check_cookie_auth at line 1610
sub C4::Auth::CORE:subst; # opcode
# spent 18µs within C4::Auth::CORE:substcont which was called 10 times, avg 2µs/call: # 8 times (15µs+0s) by C4::Auth::_version_check at line 705, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (3µs+0s) by C4::Auth::check_cookie_auth at line 1610, avg 1µs/call
sub C4::Auth::CORE:substcont; # opcode