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For starman worker -M FindBin --max-requests 50 --workers 2 --user=kohadev-koha --group kohadev-koha --pid /var/run/koha/kohadev/plack.pid --daemonize --access-log /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack.log --error-log /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack-error.log -E deployment --socket /var/run/koha/kohadev/plack.sock /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/plack.psgi
  Run on Fri Jan 8 14:31:06 2016
Reported on Fri Jan 8 14:31:36 2016

StatementsExecuted 9947 statements in 31.1ms
Calls P F Exclusive
381158µs58µsSub::Quote::::CORE:matchSub::Quote::CORE:match (opcode)
82129µs29µsSub::Quote::::CORE:substSub::Quote::CORE:subst (opcode)
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
1package Sub::Quote;
# spent 825µs (680+146) within Sub::Quote::BEGIN@3 which was called: # once (680µs+146µs) by DBIx::Class::_Util::BEGIN@64 at line 3
use strictures 1;
# spent 825µs making 1 call to Sub::Quote::BEGIN@3 # spent 35µs making 1 call to strictures::VERSION # spent 25µs making 1 call to strictures::import
# spent 6.09ms (5.34+743µs) within Sub::Quote::_clean_eval which was called 16 times, avg 380µs/call: # 16 times (5.34ms+743µs) by Sub::Quote::unquote_sub at line 157, avg 380µs/call
sub _clean_eval { eval $_[0] }
# spent 5.39ms executing statements in string eval
# includes 2.56ms spent executing 422 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 3.65ms executing statements in string eval
# includes 2.90ms spent executing 93 calls to 4 subs defined therein. # spent 1.81ms executing statements in string eval
# includes 1.77ms spent executing 154 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 1.03ms executing statements in string eval
# includes 732µs spent executing 93 calls to 4 subs defined therein. # spent 1.01ms executing statements in string eval
# includes 7.48ms spent executing 177 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 923µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 1.03ms spent executing 357 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 867µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 1.02ms spent executing 136 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 694µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 831µs spent executing 125 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 663µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 501µs spent executing 180 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 481µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 90µs spent executing 5 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 478µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 305µs spent executing 92 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 339µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 201µs spent executing 22 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 295µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 58µs spent executing 5 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 282µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 55µs spent executing 4 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 238µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 32µs spent executing 4 calls to 3 subs defined therein. # spent 231µs executing statements in string eval
# includes 33µs spent executing 5 calls to 3 subs defined therein.
# spent 3.77ms (623µs+3.15) within Sub::Quote::BEGIN@7 which was called: # once (623µs+3.15ms) by DBIx::Class::_Util::BEGIN@64 at line 7
use Sub::Defer;
# spent 3.77ms making 1 call to Sub::Quote::BEGIN@7 # spent 23µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 24µs (9+15) within Sub::Quote::BEGIN@8 which was called: # once (9µs+15µs) by DBIx::Class::_Util::BEGIN@64 at line 8
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
# spent 24µs making 1 call to Sub::Quote::BEGIN@8 # spent 15µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 12µs (7+5) within Sub::Quote::BEGIN@9 which was called: # once (7µs+5µs) by DBIx::Class::_Util::BEGIN@64 at line 9
use Exporter qw(import);
# spent 12µs making 1 call to Sub::Quote::BEGIN@9 # spent 5µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 3.70ms (2.88+824µs) within Sub::Quote::BEGIN@10 which was called: # once (2.88ms+824µs) by DBIx::Class::_Util::BEGIN@64 at line 10
use B ();
# spent 3.70ms making 1 call to Sub::Quote::BEGIN@10
# spent 7µs within Sub::Quote::BEGIN@11 which was called: # once (7µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::_Util::BEGIN@64 at line 13
1216µs *_HAVE_PERLSTRING = defined &B::perlstring ? sub(){1} : sub(){0};
# spent 7µs making 1 call to Sub::Quote::BEGIN@11
151500nsour $VERSION = '1.006001';
16118µs$VERSION = eval $VERSION;
# spent 3µs executing statements in string eval
1812µsour @EXPORT = qw(quote_sub unquote_sub quoted_from_sub qsub);
1911µsour @EXPORT_OK = qw(quotify capture_unroll inlinify);
211100nsour %QUOTED;
# spent 8.12ms (6.80+1.33) within Sub::Quote::quotify which was called 1178 times, avg 7µs/call: # 1078 times (6.56ms+1.22ms) by Sub::Quote::quote_sub at line 81, avg 7µs/call # 38 times (109µs+50µs) by Sub::Quote::capture_unroll at line 36, avg 4µs/call # 16 times (31µs+15µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_simple_set at line 570 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 3µs/call # 16 times (24µs+12µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_core_set at line 564 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 2µs/call # 11 times (24µs+11µs) by Method::Generate::Constructor::_assign_new at line 176 of Method/Generate/Constructor.pm, avg 3µs/call # 6 times (12µs+6µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_simple_get at line 334 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 3µs/call # 3 times (6µs+3µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_simple_has at line 271 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 3µs/call # 3 times (5µs+2µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_wrap_attr_exception at line 419 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (13µs+7µs) by Method::Generate::Constructor::_handle_subconstructor at line 121 of Method/Generate/Constructor.pm, avg 10µs/call # 2 times (4µs+2µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_get_default at line 315 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 3µs/call # once (2µs+2µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_wrap_attr_exception at line 418 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm # once (2µs+1µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_attr_desc at line 382 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm # once (2µs+1µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_simple_clear at line 276 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm
sub quotify {
24117812.6ms11781.33ms ! defined $_[0] ? 'undef()'
# spent 1.33ms making 1178 calls to B::perlstring, avg 1µs/call
25 : _HAVE_PERLSTRING ? B::perlstring($_[0])
26 : qq["\Q$_[0]\E"];
# spent 548µs (331+217) within Sub::Quote::capture_unroll which was called 16 times, avg 34µs/call: # 16 times (331µs+217µs) by Sub::Quote::unquote_sub at line 132, avg 34µs/call
sub capture_unroll {
301610µs my ($from, $captures, $indent) = @_;
3138132µs3858µs join(
# spent 58µs making 38 calls to Sub::Quote::CORE:match, avg 2µs/call
32 '',
33 map {
341691µs /^([\@\%\$])/
35 or die "capture key should start with \@, \% or \$: $_";
3676145µs38159µs (' ' x $indent).qq{my ${_} = ${1}{${from}->{${\quotify $_}}};\n};
# spent 159µs making 38 calls to Sub::Quote::quotify, avg 4µs/call
37 } keys %$captures
38 );
# spent 68µs (39+29) within Sub::Quote::inlinify which was called 4 times, avg 17µs/call: # 4 times (39µs+29µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_call_code at line 473 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 17µs/call
sub inlinify {
4242µs my ($code, $args, $extra, $local) = @_;
4343µs my $do = 'do { '.($extra||'');
44429µs417µs if ($code =~ s/^(\s*package\s+([a-zA-Z0-9:]+);)//) {
# spent 17µs making 4 calls to Sub::Quote::CORE:subst, avg 4µs/call
45 $do .= $1;
46 }
47424µs412µs if ($code =~ s{(\A\s*|\A# BEGIN quote_sub PRELUDE\n.*?# END quote_sub PRELUDE\n\s*)(^\s*)(my\s*\(([^)]+)\)\s*=\s*\@_;)$}{
# spent 12µs making 4 calls to Sub::Quote::CORE:subst, avg 3µs/call
48 my ($pre, $indent, $assign, $code_args) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
49 if ($code_args eq $args) {
50 $pre . $indent . ($local ? 'local ' : '').'@_ = ('.$args.");\n"
51 . $indent . $assign;
52 }
53 else {
54 $pre . 'my ('.$code_args.') = ('.$args.'); ';
55 }
56 }mse) {
57 #done
58 }
59 elsif ($local || $args ne '@_') {
60 $do .= ($local ? 'local ' : '').'@_ = ('.$args.'); ';
61 }
62413µs $do.$code.' }';
# spent 45.7ms (17.0+28.7) within Sub::Quote::quote_sub which was called 539 times, avg 85µs/call: # 144 times (3.07ms+13.1ms) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::Accessor::add_relationship_accessor at line 101 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/Accessor.pm, avg 112µs/call # 144 times (3.75ms+6.27ms) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::Accessor::add_relationship_accessor at line 99 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/Accessor.pm, avg 70µs/call # 144 times (3.07ms+4.85ms) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::Accessor::add_relationship_accessor at line 100 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/Accessor.pm, avg 55µs/call # 53 times (5.81ms+2.75ms) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::Accessor::add_relationship_accessor at line 26 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/Accessor.pm, avg 162µs/call # 22 times (488µs+786µs) by base::import at line 84 of DBIx/Class/ResultSourceProxy.pm, avg 58µs/call # 18 times (400µs+551µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 124 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 53µs/call # 4 times (87µs+72µs) by DBIx::Class::Storage::BEGIN@16 at line 76 of DBIx/Class/_Util.pm, avg 40µs/call # 3 times (64µs+97µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 1625 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 54µs/call # 2 times (74µs+58µs) by Method::Generate::Constructor::generate_method at line 114 of Method/Generate/Constructor.pm, avg 66µs/call # 2 times (40µs+71µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::generate_method at line 116 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 55µs/call # once (51µs+55µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::generate_method at line 137 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm # once (21µs+42µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::generate_method at line 156 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm # once (20µs+29µs) by Method::Generate::Accessor::generate_method at line 183 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm
sub quote_sub {
67 # $name => $code => \%captures => \%options
68 # $name => $code => \%captures
69 # $name => $code
70 # $code => \%captures => \%options
71 # $code
72539425µs my $options =
73 (ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' and ref($_[-2]) eq 'HASH')
74 ? pop
75 : {};
76539174µs my $captures = ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' ? pop : undef;
7753972µs undef($captures) if $captures && !keys %$captures;
78539118µs my $code = pop;
7953980µs my $name = $_[0];
805391.85ms my ($package, $hints, $bitmask, $hintshash) = (caller(0))[0,8,9,10];
815392.30ms10787.78ms my $context
# spent 7.78ms making 1078 calls to Sub::Quote::quotify, avg 7µs/call
82 ="# BEGIN quote_sub PRELUDE\n"
83 ."package $package;\n"
84 ."BEGIN {\n"
85 ." \$^H = ".quotify($hints).";\n"
86 ." \${^WARNING_BITS} = ".quotify($bitmask).";\n"
87 ." \%^H = (\n"
88 . join('', map
89 " ".quotify($_)." => ".quotify($hintshash->{$_}).",",
90 keys %$hintshash)
91 ." );\n"
92 ."}\n"
93 ."# END quote_sub PRELUDE\n";
94539693µs $code = "$context$code";
9553969µs my $quoted_info;
96 my $unquoted;
# spent 6.01ms (77µs+5.93) within Sub::Quote::__ANON__[/usr/share/perl5/Sub/Quote.pm:100] which was called 14 times, avg 429µs/call: # 14 times (77µs+5.93ms) by Sub::Defer::undefer_sub at line 22 of Sub/Defer.pm, avg 429µs/call
my $deferred = defer_sub +($options->{no_install} ? undef : $name) => sub {
98 $unquoted if 0;
991467µs145.93ms unquote_sub($quoted_info->[4]);
# spent 5.93ms making 14 calls to Sub::Quote::unquote_sub, avg 424µs/call
1005392.11ms53919.9ms };
# spent 19.9ms making 539 calls to Sub::Defer::defer_sub, avg 37µs/call
101539560µs $quoted_info = [ $name, $code, $captures, \$unquoted, $deferred ];
1025391.41ms539458µs weaken($quoted_info->[3]);
# spent 458µs making 539 calls to Scalar::Util::weaken, avg 849ns/call
103539995µs539306µs weaken($quoted_info->[4]);
# spent 306µs making 539 calls to Scalar::Util::weaken, avg 568ns/call
1045391.38ms539256µs weaken($QUOTED{$deferred} = $quoted_info);
# spent 256µs making 539 calls to Scalar::Util::weaken, avg 476ns/call
1055391.44ms return $deferred;
# spent 38µs within Sub::Quote::quoted_from_sub which was called 4 times, avg 9µs/call: # 4 times (38µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_call_code at line 460 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 9µs/call
sub quoted_from_sub {
10941µs my ($sub) = @_;
11044µs my $quoted_info = $QUOTED{$sub||''} or return undef;
11145µs my ($name, $code, $captured, $unquoted, $deferred) = @{$quoted_info};
112410µs $unquoted &&= $$unquoted;
113426µs if (($deferred && $deferred eq $sub)
114 || ($unquoted && $unquoted eq $sub)) {
115 return [ $name, $code, $captured, $unquoted, $deferred ];
116 }
117 return undef;
# spent 7.26ms (595µs+6.67) within Sub::Quote::unquote_sub which was called 16 times, avg 454µs/call: # 14 times (546µs+5.38ms) by Sub::Quote::__ANON__[/usr/share/perl5/Sub/Quote.pm:100] at line 99, avg 424µs/call # 2 times (49µs+1.28ms) by Method::Generate::Constructor::__ANON__[/usr/share/perl5/Method/Generate/Constructor.pm:81] at line 78 of Method/Generate/Constructor.pm, avg 665µs/call
sub unquote_sub {
1211611µs my ($sub) = @_;
1221619µs my $quoted = $QUOTED{$sub} or return undef;
1231612µs my $unquoted = $quoted->[3];
1241614µs unless ($unquoted && $$unquoted) {
1251616µs my ($name, $code, $captures) = @$quoted;
1271610µs my $make_sub = "{\n";
1291623µs my %captures = $captures ? %$captures : ();
1301616µs $captures{'$_UNQUOTED'} = \$unquoted;
131169µs $captures{'$_QUOTED'} = \$quoted;
1321638µs16548µs $make_sub .= capture_unroll("\$_[1]", \%captures, 2);
# spent 548µs making 16 calls to Sub::Quote::capture_unroll, avg 34µs/call
1341612µs $make_sub .= (
135 $name
136 # disable the 'variable $x will not stay shared' warning since
137 # we're not letting it escape from this scope anyway so there's
138 # nothing trying to share it
139 ? " no warnings 'closure';\n sub ${name} {\n"
140 : " \$\$_UNQUOTED = sub {\n"
141 );
142164µs $make_sub .= " \$_QUOTED if 0;\n";
143163µs $make_sub .= " \$_UNQUOTED if 0;\n";
144168µs $make_sub .= $code;
145168µs $make_sub .= " }".($name ? '' : ';')."\n";
146168µs if ($name) {
147 $make_sub .= " \$\$_UNQUOTED = \\&${name}\n";
148 }
149163µs $make_sub .= "}\n1;\n";
1501610µs $ENV{SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG} && warn $make_sub;
151 {
# spent 31µs (17+14) within Sub::Quote::BEGIN@152 which was called: # once (17µs+14µs) by DBIx::Class::_Util::BEGIN@64 at line 152
no strict 'refs';
# spent 31µs making 1 call to Sub::Quote::BEGIN@152 # spent 14µs making 1 call to strict::unimport
1531691µs local *{$name} if $name;
154162µs my ($success, $e);
155 {
156329µs local $@;
1571630µs166.09ms $success = _clean_eval($make_sub, \%captures);
# spent 6.09ms making 16 calls to Sub::Quote::_clean_eval, avg 380µs/call
1581611µs $e = $@;
159 }
160165µs unless ($success) {
161 die "Eval went very, very wrong:\n\n${make_sub}\n\n$e";
162 }
16316152µs1632µs weaken($QUOTED{$$unquoted} = $quoted);
# spent 32µs making 16 calls to Scalar::Util::weaken, avg 2µs/call
164 }
165 }
1661647µs $$unquoted;
169sub qsub ($) {
170 goto &quote_sub;
173sub CLONE {
174 %QUOTED = map { defined $_ ? (
175 $_->[3] && ${$_->[3]} ? (${ $_->[3] } => $_) : (),
176 $_->[4] ? ($_->[4] => $_) : (),
177 ) : () } values %QUOTED;
178 weaken($_) for values %QUOTED;
# spent 58µs within Sub::Quote::CORE:match which was called 38 times, avg 2µs/call: # 38 times (58µs+0s) by Sub::Quote::capture_unroll at line 31, avg 2µs/call
sub Sub::Quote::CORE:match; # opcode
# spent 29µs within Sub::Quote::CORE:subst which was called 8 times, avg 4µs/call: # 4 times (17µs+0s) by Sub::Quote::inlinify at line 44, avg 4µs/call # 4 times (12µs+0s) by Sub::Quote::inlinify at line 47, avg 3µs/call
sub Sub::Quote::CORE:subst; # opcode