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For starman worker -M FindBin --max-requests 50 --workers 2 --user=kohadev-koha --group kohadev-koha --pid /var/run/koha/kohadev/plack.pid --daemonize --access-log /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack.log --error-log /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack-error.log -E deployment --socket /var/run/koha/kohadev/plack.sock /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/plack.psgi
  Run on Fri Jan 8 13:01:18 2016
Reported on Fri Jan 8 13:01:35 2016

StatementsExecuted 2365 statements in 9.12ms
Calls P F Exclusive
164164897.51ms86.1msDBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::::belongs_toDBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::belongs_to (recurses: max depth 1, inclusive time 739µs)
37231608µs608µsDBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::::CORE:matchDBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::CORE:match (opcode)
0000s0sDBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::::catch {...} DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::catch {...}
0000s0sDBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::::try {...} DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::try {...}
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
1package # hide from PAUSE
2 DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo;
4# Documentation for these methods can be found in
5# DBIx::Class::Relationship
# spent 21µs (14+7) within DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::BEGIN@7 which was called: # once (14µs+7µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 7
use strict;
# spent 21µs making 1 call to DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::BEGIN@7 # spent 7µs making 1 call to strict::import
# spent 12µs (8+5) within DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::BEGIN@8 which was called: # once (8µs+5µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 8
use warnings;
# spent 12µs making 1 call to DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::BEGIN@8 # spent 5µs making 1 call to warnings::import
# spent 31µs (9+22) within DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::BEGIN@9 which was called: # once (9µs+22µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 9
use Try::Tiny;
# spent 31µs making 1 call to DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::BEGIN@9 # spent 22µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 91µs (7+84) within DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::BEGIN@10 which was called: # once (7µs+84µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 10
use namespace::clean;
# spent 91µs making 1 call to DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::BEGIN@10 # spent 84µs making 1 call to namespace::clean::import
1213µsour %_pod_inherit_config =
13 (
14 class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
15 );
# spent 86.1ms (7.51+78.6) within DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::belongs_to which was called 164 times, avg 525µs/call: # once (76µs+6.02ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 637 of Koha/Schema/Result/Item.pm # once (47µs+5.37ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 164 of Koha/Schema/Result/CreatorBatch.pm # once (65µs+1.78ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 115 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqcontract.pm # once (44µs+1.38ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 149 of Koha/Schema/Result/CreatorBatch.pm # once (87µs+1.25ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 97 of Koha/Schema/Result/AqordersTransfer.pm # once (93µs+1.22ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 80 of Koha/Schema/Result/TagsIndex.pm # once (78µs+1.15ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 95 of Koha/Schema/Result/TagsIndex.pm # once (62µs+1.09ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 117 of Koha/Schema/Result/AqordersTransfer.pm # once (50µs+1.07ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 199 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbasket.pm # once (57µs+1.06ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 93 of Koha/Schema/Result/Discharge.pm # once (149µs+941µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 204 of Koha/Schema/Result/AuthSubfieldStructure.pm # once (56µs+1.01ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 129 of Koha/Schema/Result/CreatorBatch.pm # once (20µs+1.04ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 452 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqorder.pm # once (54µs+1.00ms) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 77 of Koha/Schema/Result/DefaultBranchItemRule.pm # once (61µs+970µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 151 of Koha/Schema/Result/Virtualshelve.pm # once (55µs+921µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 93 of Koha/Schema/Result/ClassSource.pm # once (27µs+942µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 228 of Koha/Schema/Result/Issue.pm # once (43µs+901µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 436 of Koha/Schema/Result/Item.pm # once (41µs+886µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 79 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerAttributeTypesBranch.pm # once (41µs+883µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 342 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbookseller.pm # once (56µs+867µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 97 of Koha/Schema/Result/TagsApproval.pm # once (21µs+877µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 86 of Koha/Schema/Result/AqorderUser.pm # once (52µs+846µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 71 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbasketuser.pm # once (18µs+874µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 115 of Koha/Schema/Result/Subscriptionroutinglist.pm # once (56µs+836µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 94 of Koha/Schema/Result/ItemsSearchField.pm # once (53µs+809µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 59 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerAttributeTypesBranch.pm # once (18µs+824µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 85 of Koha/Schema/Result/OverduerulesTransportType.pm # once (43µs+775µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 322 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbookseller.pm # once (60µs+754µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 118 of Koha/Schema/Result/Branchtransfer.pm # once (58µs+730µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 305 of Koha/Schema/Result/Suggestion.pm # once (58µs+727µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 133 of Koha/Schema/Result/Branchtransfer.pm # once (18µs+725µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 531 of Koha/Schema/Result/Item.pm # once (55µs+665µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 93 of Koha/Schema/Result/Accountoffset.pm # once (56µs+663µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 148 of Koha/Schema/Result/Branchtransfer.pm # once (23µs+682µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 86 of Koha/Schema/Result/Serialitem.pm # once (46µs+654µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 254 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbasket.pm # once (55µs+636µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 114 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerFile.pm # once (19µs+668µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 146 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqinvoice.pm # once (42µs+631µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 159 of Koha/Schema/Result/CourseItem.pm # once (59µs+611µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 86 of Koha/Schema/Result/Permission.pm # once (43µs+624µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 384 of Koha/Schema/Result/Subscription.pm # once (51µs+603µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 76 of Koha/Schema/Result/DefaultBorrowerCircRule.pm # once (51µs+572µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 404 of Koha/Schema/Result/Subscription.pm # once (95µs+509µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 204 of Koha/Schema/Result/OldReserve.pm # once (18µs+568µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 133 of Koha/Schema/Result/Virtualshelfcontent.pm # once (19µs+550µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 139 of Koha/Schema/Result/HoldFillTarget.pm # once (55µs+486µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 103 of Koha/Schema/Result/Review.pm # once (19µs+491µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 159 of Koha/Schema/Result/OpacNews.pm # once (20µs+489µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 234 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbasket.pm # once (19µs+471µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 89 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerAttribute.pm # once (102µs+364µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 192 of Koha/Schema/Result/Issue.pm # once (56µs+404µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 97 of Koha/Schema/Result/Virtualshelfshare.pm # once (110µs+345µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 116 of Koha/Schema/Result/Matchpoint.pm # once (79µs+359µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 112 of Koha/Schema/Result/ImportItem.pm # once (30µs+400µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 103 of Koha/Schema/Result/BranchItemRule.pm # once (99µs+324µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 112 of Koha/Schema/Result/ImportBiblio.pm # once (65µs+352µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 77 of Koha/Schema/Result/PatronListPatron.pm # once (54µs+362µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 71 of Koha/Schema/Result/Serialitem.pm # once (71µs+342µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 91 of Koha/Schema/Result/DefaultBranchCircRule.pm # once (57µs+346µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 131 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerDebarment.pm # once (55µs+348µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 109 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerSync.pm # once (57µs+343µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 189 of Koha/Schema/Result/Accountline.pm # once (54µs+345µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 105 of Koha/Schema/Result/ItemsLastBorrower.pm # once (56µs+342µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 156 of Koha/Schema/Result/MessageQueue.pm # once (56µs+342µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 177 of Koha/Schema/Result/OldIssue.pm # once (59µs+332µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 87 of Koha/Schema/Result/BranchBorrowerCircRule.pm # once (51µs+337µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 71 of Koha/Schema/Result/CourseInstructor.pm # once (57µs+331µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 71 of Koha/Schema/Result/AqorderUser.pm # once (63µs+322µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 76 of Koha/Schema/Result/Patronimage.pm # once (54µs+329µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 94 of Koha/Schema/Result/HoldFillTarget.pm # once (63µs+320µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 156 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqcontact.pm # once (52µs+329µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 74 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerAttribute.pm # once (52µs+324µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 91 of Koha/Schema/Result/Biblioimage.pm # once (58µs+318µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 82 of Koha/Schema/Result/AqordersItem.pm # once (56µs+318µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 71 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbudgetborrower.pm # once (54µs+319µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 88 of Koha/Schema/Result/BranchItemRule.pm # once (53µs+318µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 89 of Koha/Schema/Result/TransportCost.pm # once (57µs+311µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 135 of Koha/Schema/Result/Letter.pm # once (54µs+314µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 98 of Koha/Schema/Result/Virtualshelfcontent.pm # once (55µs+307µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 122 of Koha/Schema/Result/AuthTagStructure.pm # once (51µs+310µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 472 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqorder.pm # once (56µs+298µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 100 of Koha/Schema/Result/Subscriptionroutinglist.pm # once (53µs+299µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 218 of Koha/Schema/Result/Reserve.pm # once (53µs+297µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 59 of Koha/Schema/Result/CategoriesBranch.pm # once (59µs+290µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 92 of Koha/Schema/Result/Rating.pm # once (72µs+272µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 57 of Koha/Schema/Result/MatcherMatchpoint.pm # once (49µs+291µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 87 of Koha/Schema/Result/Branchrelation.pm # once (52µs+287µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 78 of Koha/Schema/Result/UserPermission.pm # once (49µs+289µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 77 of Koha/Schema/Result/PatronList.pm # once (49µs+288µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 104 of Koha/Schema/Result/TagAll.pm # once (87µs+244µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 229 of Koha/Schema/Result/MarcModificationTemplateAction.pm # once (44µs+280µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 219 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbasket.pm # once (40µs+283µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 125 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerMessagePreference.pm # once (49µs+274µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 139 of Koha/Schema/Result/OpacNews.pm # once (42µs+277µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 131 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqinvoice.pm # once (42µs+275µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 179 of Koha/Schema/Result/CourseItem.pm # once (73µs+242µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 107 of Koha/Schema/Result/Collection.pm # once (45µs+269µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 771 of Koha/Schema/Result/Borrower.pm # once (60µs+248µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 72 of Koha/Schema/Result/MatchpointComponentNorm.pm # once (66µs+242µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 87 of Koha/Schema/Result/OaiSetsMapping.pm # once (42µs+264µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 86 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbasketuser.pm # once (64µs+238µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 80 of Koha/Schema/Result/ImportAuth.pm # once (51µs+249µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 58 of Koha/Schema/Result/AuthorisedValuesBranch.pm # once (42µs+257µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 130 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbasketgroup.pm # once (62µs+237µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 121 of Koha/Schema/Result/CourseReserve.pm # once (65µs+235µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 85 of Koha/Schema/Result/Matchcheck.pm # once (73µs+225µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 100 of Koha/Schema/Result/OverduerulesTransportType.pm # once (29µs+267µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 397 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqorder.pm # once (64µs+231µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 57 of Koha/Schema/Result/OaiSetsDescription.pm # once (61µs+233µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 64 of Koha/Schema/Result/ImportRecordMatch.pm # once (65µs+229µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 108 of Koha/Schema/Result/AqbudgetsPlanning.pm # once (65µs+227µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 117 of Koha/Schema/Result/MatchpointComponent.pm # once (26µs+264µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 511 of Koha/Schema/Result/Item.pm # once (19µs+261µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 102 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerMessageTransportPreference.pm # once (61µs+218µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 101 of Koha/Schema/Result/AdditionalFieldValue.pm # once (58µs+220µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 85 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerMessageTransportPreference.pm # once (55µs+218µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 130 of Koha/Schema/Result/MessageTransport.pm # once (19µs+250µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 73 of Koha/Schema/Result/AuthorisedValuesBranch.pm # once (22µs+244µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 164 of Koha/Schema/Result/MessageTransport.pm # once (60µs+200µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 70 of Koha/Schema/Result/OaiSetsBiblio.pm # once (21µs+206µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 123 of Koha/Schema/Result/Review.pm # once (20µs+206µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 102 of Koha/Schema/Result/BranchBorrowerCircRule.pm # once (27µs+193µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 197 of Koha/Schema/Result/OldIssue.pm # once (19µs+196µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 113 of Koha/Schema/Result/Virtualshelfcontent.pm # once (22µs+192µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 212 of Koha/Schema/Result/Issue.pm # once (18µs+195µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 102 of Koha/Schema/Result/Branchrelation.pm # once (28µs+181µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 86 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqbudgetborrower.pm # once (21µs+188µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 224 of Koha/Schema/Result/OldReserve.pm # once (18µs+191µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 124 of Koha/Schema/Result/HoldFillTarget.pm # once (19µs+187µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 120 of Koha/Schema/Result/ItemsLastBorrower.pm # once (19µs+187µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 244 of Koha/Schema/Result/OldReserve.pm # once (18µs+188µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 233 of Koha/Schema/Result/Reserve.pm # once (19µs+187µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 79 of Koha/Schema/Result/CategoriesBranch.pm # once (20µs+186µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 145 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerMessagePreference.pm # once (20µs+184µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 417 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqorder.pm # once (18µs+184µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 786 of Koha/Schema/Result/Borrower.pm # once (19µs+181µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 117 of Koha/Schema/Result/Virtualshelfshare.pm # once (27µs+173µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 284 of Koha/Schema/Result/Reserve.pm # once (18µs+180µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 109 of Koha/Schema/Result/HoldFillTarget.pm # once (19µs+179µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 204 of Koha/Schema/Result/Accountline.pm # once (19µs+180µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 176 of Koha/Schema/Result/MessageQueue.pm # once (29µs+169µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 72 of Koha/Schema/Result/MatcherMatchpoint.pm # once (30µs+167µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 92 of Koha/Schema/Result/PatronListPatron.pm # once (18µs+178µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 248 of Koha/Schema/Result/Reserve.pm # once (18µs+178µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 119 of Koha/Schema/Result/TagAll.pm # once (39µs+156µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 149 of Koha/Schema/Result/MessageTransport.pm # once (18µs+176µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 268 of Koha/Schema/Result/Reserve.pm # once (18µs+175µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 107 of Koha/Schema/Result/Rating.pm # once (18µs+175µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 104 of Koha/Schema/Result/TransportCost.pm # once (37µs+154µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 1182 of Koha/Schema/Result/Borrower.pm # once (54µs+135µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 220 of Koha/Schema/Result/ImportRecord.pm # once (33µs+153µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 93 of Koha/Schema/Result/UserPermission.pm # once (26µs+159µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 86 of Koha/Schema/Result/CourseInstructor.pm # once (29µs+141µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 165 of Koha/Schema/Result/BorrowerMessagePreference.pm # once (26µs+143µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 235 of Koha/Schema/Result/Issue.pm # once (24µs+141µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 136 of Koha/Schema/Result/CourseReserve.pm # once (25µs+138µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 100 of Koha/Schema/Result/Matchcheck.pm # once (23µs+135µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 296 of Koha/Schema/Result/Reserve.pm # once (24µs+132µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 247 of Koha/Schema/Result/Issue.pm # once (24µs+128µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 115 of Koha/Schema/Result/Matchcheck.pm # once (26µs+127µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 437 of Koha/Schema/Result/Aqorder.pm # once (24µs+127µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 639 of Koha/Schema/Result/Item.pm # once (60µs+-60µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 321 of Koha/Schema/Result/Biblioitem.pm # once (68µs+-68µs) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 347 of Koha/Schema/Result/Biblioitem.pm
sub belongs_to {
18164121µs my ($class, $rel, $f_class, $cond, $attrs) = @_;
20 # assume a foreign key constraint unless defined otherwise
21164222µs $attrs->{is_foreign_key_constraint} = 1
22 if not exists $attrs->{is_foreign_key_constraint};
23164129µs $attrs->{undef_on_null_fk} = 1
24 if not exists $attrs->{undef_on_null_fk};
26 # no join condition or just a column name
27164128µs if (!ref $cond) {
292500ns my ($f_key, $guess);
3022µs if (defined $cond and length $cond) {
312700ns $f_key = $cond;
3222µs $guess = "caller specified foreign key '$f_key'";
33 }
34 else {
35 $f_key = $rel;
36 $guess = "using given relationship name '$rel' as foreign key column name";
37 }
3923µs226µs $class->throw_exception(
# spent 26µs making 2 calls to DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::has_column, avg 13µs/call
40 "No such column '$f_key' declared yet on ${class} ($guess)"
41 ) unless $class->has_column($f_key);
43211µs20s $class->ensure_class_loaded($f_class);
# spent 5.81ms making 2 calls to Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded, avg 2.90ms/call, recursion: max depth 2, sum of overlapping time 5.81ms
44 my $f_rsrc = try {
4526µs230µs $f_class->result_source_instance;
46 }
47 catch {
48 $class->throw_exception(
49 "Foreign class '$f_class' does not seem to be a Result class "
50 . "(or it simply did not load entirely due to a circular relation chain)"
51 );
522108µs4136µs };
# spent 114µs making 2 calls to Try::Tiny::try, avg 57µs/call # spent 23µs making 2 calls to Try::Tiny::catch, avg 11µs/call
5427µs238µs my $pri = $f_rsrc->_single_pri_col_or_die;
# spent 38µs making 2 calls to DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_single_pri_col_or_die, avg 19µs/call
5624µs $cond = { "foreign.${pri}" => "self.${f_key}" };
58 }
59 # explicit join condition
60 else {
61162130µs if (ref $cond eq 'HASH') { # ARRAY is also valid
6216225µs my $cond_rel;
63 # FIXME This loop is ridiculously incomplete and dangerous
64 # staving off changes until implmentation of the swindon consensus
65162269µs for (keys %$cond) {
66165596µs165206µs if (m/\./) { # Explicit join condition
# spent 206µs making 165 calls to DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::CORE:match, avg 1µs/call
67 $cond_rel = $cond;
68 last;
69 }
70165493µs $cond_rel->{"foreign.$_"} = "self.".$cond->{$_};
71 }
7216266µs $cond = $cond_rel;
73 }
74 }
761642.65ms3243.68ms my $acc_type = (
# spent 3.39ms making 162 calls to DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::has_column, avg 21µs/call # spent 295µs making 162 calls to DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::CORE:match, avg 2µs/call
77 ref $cond eq 'HASH'
78 and
79 keys %$cond == 1
80 and
81 (keys %$cond)[0] =~ /^foreign\./
82 and
83 $class->has_column($rel)
84 ) ? 'filter' : 'single';
8645309µs45106µs my $fk_columns = ($acc_type eq 'single' and ref $cond eq 'HASH')
# spent 106µs making 45 calls to DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::CORE:match, avg 2µs/call
87164255µs ? { map { $_ =~ /^self\.(.+)/ ? ( $1 => 1 ) : () } (values %$cond ) }
88 : undef
89 ;
91 $class->add_relationship($rel, $f_class,
92 $cond,
93 {
94 is_depends_on => 1,
95 accessor => $acc_type,
96 $fk_columns ? ( fk_columns => $fk_columns ) : (),
971642.14ms16469.3ms %{$attrs || {}}
# spent 69.3ms making 164 calls to DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::add_relationship, avg 422µs/call
98 }
99 );
101164674µs return 1;
# spent 92µs making 1 call to B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS::__ANON__
# spent 608µs within DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::CORE:match which was called 372 times, avg 2µs/call: # 165 times (206µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::belongs_to at line 66, avg 1µs/call # 162 times (295µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::belongs_to at line 76, avg 2µs/call # 45 times (106µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::belongs_to at line 86, avg 2µs/call
sub DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo::CORE:match; # opcode