How to improve Koha speed?

These tests have been generated on a master branch (01d48a78258f98f693a8f48d7294a6ae880d5fc4)

And patches from bug 15294 and bug 15295 to have the Koha::Librar[y|ies] modules.

Using the ansible branch of kohadevbox, I have added the following to the file /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/plack.psgi to profile the script executed:

enable 'Debug',  panels => [
        qw(Environment Response Timer Memory),
        [ 'Profiler::NYTProf', exclude => [qw(.*\.css .*\.png .*\.ico .*\.js .*\.gif .*404\.pl .*nytprof/nytprofhtml.*)] ],


sudo koha-plack --enable kohadev
sudo koha-plack --start kohadev
sudo service apache2 restart

Important note: Between each step koha-plack has been restarted!

Koha::Objects, an overhead?

Fetch 3 libraries

The following script will only fetch 3 library names:


use Modern::Perl;
use CGI;
use Koha::Libraries;
for my $l (qw(CPL MPL IPT )) {

my $query = CGI->new;
print $query->header({
    type => 'text/html',
    status => '200 OK',
    charset => 'UTF-8',
    Pragma => 'no-cache',
print "<html><body>Hello</body></html>";

The profile shows that the big part of the time is spent to load the DBIx::Schema.

Fetch a lot of libraries

The following script will fetch 3x 1000 libraries


use Modern::Perl;
use CGI;
use Koha::Libraries;
for ( 1 .. 1000 ) {
    for my $l (qw(CPL MPL IPT )) {

my $query = CGI->new;
print $query->header({
    type => 'text/html',
    status => '200 OK',
    charset => 'UTF-8',
    Pragma => 'no-cache',
print "<html><body>Hello</body></html>";

The profile highlights that the time spent to load the schema is always the same (1.3s).

Fetching a lot of libraries, without Koha::Objects

Is there an issue in Koha::Objects here?

The following script does the same as before, but without using the Koha::Libraries module.


use Modern::Perl;
use CGI;
use Koha::Database;
for ( 1 .. 1000 ) {
    for my $l (qw(CPL MPL IPT )) {

my $query = CGI->new;
print $query->header({
    type => 'text/html',
    status => '200 OK',
    charset => 'UTF-8',
    Pragma => 'no-cache',
print "<html><body>Hello</body></html>";

The profile proves that the Koha::Objects does not add a big overhead here.

At least for ->find.

But a lot of time is spent fetching the same result, is it normal?

Update: I have configured mysql to log all queries in a log file. And the queries don't seem to be cached, there are 3000 queries of this kind:

SELECT me.branchcode, me.branchname, me.branchaddress1, me.branchaddress2, me.branchaddress3, me.branchzip, me.branchcity, me.branchstate, me.branchcountry, me.branchphone, me.branchfax, me.branchemail, me.branchreplyto, me.branchreturnpath, me.branchurl, me.issuing, me.branchip, me.branchprinter, me.branchnotes, me.opac_info
FROM branches me
WHERE ( me.branchcode = 'MPL' )

What about the ->search method?

With Koha::Libraries (and so Koha::Objects)

The following code will search for all libraries in the database (12) 1000 times and fetch the branchname one by one.


use Modern::Perl;
use CGI;
use Koha::Libraries;
for ( 1 .. 1000 ) {
    my $libraries = Koha::Libraries->search;
    while ( my $l = $libraries->next ) {

my $query = CGI->new;
print $query->header({
    type => 'text/html',
    status => '200 OK',
    charset => 'UTF-8',
    Pragma => 'no-cache',
print "<html><body>Hello</body></html>";

The profile.

Without Koha::Objects


use Modern::Perl;
use CGI;
use Koha::Database;
for ( 1 .. 1000 ) {
    my $libraries = Koha::Database->new->schema->resultset('Branch')->search;
    while ( my $l = $libraries->next ) {

my $query = CGI->new;
print $query->header({
    type => 'text/html',
    status => '200 OK',
    charset => 'UTF-8',
    Pragma => 'no-cache',
print "<html><body>Hello</body></html>";

Once again the profile shows us that Koha::Objects does not introduce a big overhead here.

But... Is there something magic?

And what happens if I profile twice the same script without restarting plack?

You know, the real life.

Tested with one of the previous script (not sure which one...)

The profiles are completely different: The first call has the same graph as the previous ones.

But the second one is completely different and yes, here is the magic of plack! :)

The real real life

Ok but there is no point to call 3x 1000 times the same library names, so let's try with the main page:

Here we are, the first profile confirm that the first call will load the schema and not the others.

Indeed, in the second profile, the DBIx::Class:Schema::load_namespaces is lost somehwere when it tooks 70% of the time in the first call.

However, there is now 60% spent in gettemplateand_user, then 30% fetching syspref (???).

For a total of 315 fetches:

# spent 777ms (10.5+767) within DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single which was called 315 times, avg 2.47ms/call: # 315 times (10.5ms+767ms) by C4::Context::preference or C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages or C4::Languages::getlanguage or C4::NewsChannels::GetNewsToDisplay at line 910, avg 2.47ms/call

I have a patch in the pipe, see bug 15341, so let's apply it.

The profile is here